1: A Beginning

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The Inkling's worst enemy, the Octolings, were coming from the underground into Inkopolis.

But it seemed no one cared.

The first was a young female by the name of Agent 8. With the help of the famous Agent 3, she explained the situation and cleared all her Octarian friends. Inklings now were completely cool with it, even having conversations and bonding with them.

Except for one group of three.

Stinger has been tracking their actions for a while now, taking note of every action they made. When an Octoling came from underground, it seemed their tradition was to bully them, shake their sense of security, make them feel unwelcome. Stinger made sure to put a stop to it by way of distraction, such as 'accidentally letting a bomb slip through his fingers', or crashing into them 'being super fast' with his Inkbrush. He was still watching them, sitting on the rooftop of Spyke's place.

But today he drew the line.

A female Octoling came out, holding an E-liter 4K. 'Interesting... a sniper' passed through Stinger's mind before they struck.

They slammed the Octoling into the wall, weapons trained at her head. Inkopolis doesn't allow weapons to be used in the Square, so these three were taking a big risk.

The biggest one, the leader, said,"Girl, do ya really think ya can just mosey into this Square safe and sound?"

The Octoling looked him in the eye — she had startling blue eyes — seemed to think for a moment, then responded.


The Leader's face quickly morphed from smugness to confusion to anger at being outwitted. Stinger chuckled. It was like his face was a one man show of emotion (and stupidity).

"Well, ya thought wrong, missy. Boys, why don't we show this gal what we're made of?"

Stinger knew what was about to happen, so he did what he did best and interfered.

"I'm afraid I'm gonna have to cut this performance early," he said, dropping from the rooftop and startling all four cephalopods.

A quick survey told him all he needed to know. The three had the most overpowered weapons in all of Inkopolis: the Inkling left to the leader had a Clash Blaster, the Inkling to the right brandishing a Tentatek Splattershot, and the leader holding a Gold Dynamo Roller. (A/N these are just my opinion on the most OP weapons. Don't get mad in the comments plz.) All didn't have a sure grip on their weapons, like he did with his Brush. They weren't too experienced with them, they just used them to intimidate.

"Go away, kid. Yer better off not getting tangled up in all'a this." The 'right-hand man' said gruffly.

"Oh but I am better off getting tangled up in all of this, 'cause than I'll have the pleasure of beating your ugly faces to a pulp," Stinger replied coolly, gripping his Inkbrush.

The two growled and looked toward the leader, the way a pack looks at their Alpha; for permission. When the leader nodded, both turned back to Stinger, gave nasty grins, and surged forwards.

One swipe of the Inkbrush, and the Clash Blaster was on the ground, away from its owner. Another swipe, a direct hit on the Tentatek, immediately splatting him. A third swipe brought the Clash Blaster joining him.

The leader looked at this Inkling in amazement and anger, wanting to know who this was that had the nerve (and the skill, he admitted grudgingly)
to disarm his cronies. Stinger took one look at him, smirked, than laughed.

"What? What's so funny?"

"I-I-It's your f-face! You look like an angry b-bull!" Stinger managed to wheeze out, still laughing.

The leader growled and got ready to swing his Gold Dynamo, when Stinger, on the ground now from laughing, tossed something in front of his poorly positioned feet. A Splat Bomb.

"Well s-" was all he got out before joining his cronies.

"Squid. He was going to say squid," Stinger finished for him, turning towards the Octoling, who was looking at him with horror.

"They'll respawn, r-right?"

"Oh yeah. It'll take them ten, twenty minutes to get back here," Stinger said casually, before his face morphed into a serious one."Which is why you need to go now."


"Anywhere! Preferably somewhere safe."

"So you don't want me here?"

"What? Of course I do, but since they didn't manage to hurt you, they'll try again. You need to stay hidden or something for about a week."

"Okay. But wait, what's your name?"

"That's not important."

"I won't leave without it."

Stinger smirked."It's Stinger. Stinger Rayno."

"When you can, Stinger, meet me in the subway."

"Oh, I can't intrude on your home."

The Octoling gave him a stern look. "Yes, you can." Her face turned to a sweet smile."Pleeeeeaaaaaaaase?"

Stinger sighed, trying to hide a smirk."Fiiiiiiiinnnne," he said, mimicking her.

She giggled — a sweet, bubbly sound — and than asked,"Why did you save me?"

Stinger looked at her with passion in his eyes."Because that's what good people do," was his answer, before Squid Jumping back on the roof.

The Octoling stared at where he was a second ago."Y'know I'm still here, get moving!" A teasing voice came from above. She smiled, and descended into the underground, swallowed by the darkness once more.


Holy Zeus a reader! Wow! Thanks so much for sticking around for the first chapter. Who is this mysterious Octoling? Why did Stinger save her? Both answered in future chapters.
I will try to update each weekend, but school's starting in two days, so that may be a bit hard. But I will try!
Pointing out mistakes would be very much appreciated, as I'm only 12 so I may have missed something. Thanks again!

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