11: New Discoveries

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Stinger opened his eyes and stared into a blue sky.
He vaguely remembered the fight with Tartar inside his subconscious, and an explosion of blue ink. Did he win? He sure felt like himself.
He looked to his right and his Brush was lying there, devoid of ink. When he reached for it, however, he saw a truly spooky sight. (A/N ahahaha, spooky.)
There were at least a dozen cuts on his arm, all freshly made, by the looks of it. Some were leaking blue ink, but most were oozing green goo. Immediately, Stinger knew these were from his fight with Tartar. And speaking of which, his voice rang clear in Stinger's head.
You may have surprised me and expelled me from your system, but I will be back. I have already taken from you enough power to create my own physical form. Relief is short-lived when you are at war with a supernatural being.
Stinger growled. "Can you, I don't know, SHUT UP?" With this, he boxed Tartar in, than shipped him out of his mind.
Stinger gripped his Brush weakly and sat up, only to grunt and lay down again as soreness overtook his body. He contemplated different ways to move without being sore.
He remembered something Agent Seven had said, weeks ago. He said something about a group of cephalopod psychics that could control ink. At first Stinger didn't believe him. Now, he was living proof that they existed.
From the depths of his memories, he remembered having Arty, Seven, and that other girl trapped, surrounded with Tartar's forces. The mystery girl had grabbed both Arty and Seven, and seemed to melt. Did they teleport to a safer place? If so, did they need ink their color? Stinger had many questions, most of which he had no answers to. "Best to try," he decided. He closed his eyes and envisioned Arty's ink color, and the rest of her. With a slight pop, his ink turned to Arty's pink. "Now, let's test my limitations," he thought, before reaching out to all ink of his color he could find.
His senses travelled across the continent, like a large hand feeling ripples and bumps along the ground. He zeroed in on a small puddle on the outskirts of Octo Valley. Stinger closed his eyes and imagined himself in a different place.
He shot down into his ink like a chute.


Arty fumbled for words as she stared at Cepholo, Captain of the Telepathinks. He grinned at her reaction. "Yes, that surprises you. Me, scarred and older than most at this camp, leader? Surely that can't be."
Avia came out of the room. "With all due respect, Cepholo, please don't mess with her."
"How is our unconscious friend?" He asked, not responding to her request.
Avia shrugged. "In a coma. He took too much foreign ink into his system, but I managed to treat him. He should wake up soon, though." Arty could hear the worry under her lighthearted words. Was Seven — no, Telk — okay?
"Ah." Cepholo stood up. "It's been a pleasure, Avia. I will leave you in peace."
And with that, he Melted into his ink.
Avia sighed. "Cepholo is known for messing with others by giving them a lot of information in a short amount of time. Don't lose sleep over it."
Arty was still intimidated. "What were those scars on his body from?"
"Memories," Avia answered cryptically.
"Oooooo-kayyyyyyy," Arty responded.
"Anyway, I'm tired. I'm sure you are too, Arty, so let's rest for a bit.
I'll check back on Mr. Jaxin in a bit." She said his formal name wryly, as if mocking him. Arty was beginning to ship her two friends. They were like each other in so many ways, it was almost scary.
"Night, Avia."
"Night, Arty."
They both lay in their sleeping bags. Within a minute, Avia was snoring lightly, but something kept Arty awake.
That something stayed for a half hour. Than it was revealed why that something was there.
A ripple in the nearby puddle of ink caught Arty's attention. She nudged Avia awake.
"Smash Ultimate launches December Sev-," was what Avia muttered before fully waking up. (A/N yep, I did that.)
"What is it?" She asked, before Arty pointed at the ripples.
"What do we do?" Arty asked, her voice full of fear.
They didn't have to do anything though, because a figure emerged from the ink and stumbled forward.


I just got back from a long trip, and I'm a bit tired, so sorry if this chapter wasn't up to stuff.
Also someone managed to do this:

Don't ask me how, I have no idea

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Don't ask me how, I have no idea.

But yeah. That's all for today, folks. Stay fresh! (Or, if you prefer the modern term, stay Off the Hook!)

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