15: Old Rivals and Odd Accents

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The last day of peace had began. The sun had risen into the sky, and the Telepathink Camp was full of bustling families and soldiers.
Stinger surveyed the camp from Avia's hut. It seemed that he was right about at least one thing; his army needed to be able to say goodbye. Already, twenty soldiers had resigned and chose to stay with their families. Stinger let them go without a fight, but deep inside, whenever one left, his confidence was chipped away, little by little. He already knew he was fighting a losing battle, and it was for the best that these Inklings and Octolings stayed in their homes, safe and sound with their families.
But this made him question: Is it really worth the fight? Lives could be spared if we surrendered.
Than he realized: it was too late. He had already declared war on Tartar. Fight or no, genocide would occur. This thought hit him like a brick wall.
He was jolted out of his dark, murky thoughts when he heard a voice: "Stinger! Come down!" It was Avia. Stinger quickly ran through the tunnel, one hand gripping his Brush.
When he looked into the hospital, however, he let go of his Brush.
Because Agent 7, Telk, was sitting up in his bed, a tired and slightly annoyed expression.
When he caught sight of Stinger, he managed to smirk. "Why'd you have to wake me up? I was enjoying a nice little nap."
Stinger threw the smirk right back. "I didn't. It was all Avia."
"True." Telk turned to Avia. "Why'd you have to wake me up? I was enjoying a nice little nap."
Avi gently slapped him. "You were out for a WEEK. NEVER worry me again."
"Jeez, chill," Telk muttered, "I'll try not to."
"Ahem," a voice came from the corner. Stinger looked over and noticed Arty for the first time. This time, she was sporting a Round-Collar Shirt and and Custom Trail Boots. She also had a small bamboo crutch for her paralyzed leg. "Agent 7, do you have a reason as to why you didn't tell us who you really were?"
Telk tried for another smile. "What do you mean?"
"I mean you're Telk Jaxin, Sheldon's assistant."
Telk's expression morphed so quickly Stinger almost laughed. "H-how did you know."
Avia answered. "She knows a girl who knows a guy."
"O...okay," Telk answered. "Welp, there goes my cover. Eh, it's fine. So, I'm assuming we're gonna kick Tartar's—,"
"Shhhhhh,"Avia chided, "there are children present."
"Oh yeah, this is a hospital," Telk recalled. "So you guys need any help taking Mister Mayonnaise down?"
"Actually, yes," Stinger answered, "your help would be most appreciated."
"And I might know a friend of mine who'll help. Anybody have a phone?" Telk requested. Avia handed him hers, and he dialed a number, had a quick conversation, than shut the phone down and gave it back to Avia. "He'll be here in a sec."
An hour passed as the trio recounted everything that happened to Telk. Before long, they were all joking like old friends.
They heard a small knock, echoing down through the tunnel from Avia's hut.
"Must be the pizza guy," Telk said as he started climbing out of his bed.
Avia gave him an exasperated glance. "Did you seriously order pizza?"
"I was joking. This must be that guy I called." Telk unsteadily rose to his feet. "It'd be helpful if someone could come."
Arty stood up on her cane. "I'll come."
The two headed out and climbed the tunnel. It had been about five minutes before Stinger heard Arty scream.
In an instant, he had whipped out his Brush and searched for the puddle nearest to Arty. He Melted and reappeared right by Arty. As he looked toward the doorway, he nearly dropped his Brush at the Inkling standing there.
"How ya doin', buddy ol pal?" The Inkling said, hefting his Gold Synamo Roller on his shoulder. "Been a while, hasn't it? Ya do remember me, right?"
"You're the guy who I saved Arty from way back before this mess started," Stinger slowly said. "But more than that... you're my old rival, Auru."
"Yep," Auru exclaimed, "when that dumb goo goon erased my memory of ya, he didn't take into account the fact that ya could come back. When ya completely rekt me and ma boys, I remembered that time we fought each other, and I beat ya barely. About a year ago, wasn't it?"
Auru chuckled. "Memories, memories. Now, I understand that ya need me to crush a certain Mister Mayonnaise?"
As Stinger stared at his old rival, a smirk slowly grew on his face. "That's exactly what we need to do."


YEET I beat out writer's block by a small amount.
So, were you surprised that character from the beginning made his way back? I was, honestly. In this story, I'm kind of just making stuff up as I go, so it gets either better or worse each chapter. Right now, I'm thinking this story is about 92% cringe.
But dang, this story has gotten a whole lot of support. 490 reads? That's insane for a small writer like me! So, if you've read this far, THANK YOU for sticking with me.
Stay fresh Inklings, Octolings, and everyone in between.

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