7: Missing: Have You Seen Me?

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As Arty woke, she noticed that she wasn't dead. A shocker. But more alarming than that, Stinger was missing.
"Stinger!?" Her voice echoed around her. She was all alone...
"Ah, what the crab happened?" Seven announced his presence as he slowly sat up, rubbing his stomach.
"You hungry?"
"Nah, it just aches from when that psycho lady attacked us... speaking of that, where's Stinger?"
Arty felt a strong surge of dread. "That's what I'm worried about. We should probably get out of here."
"But who will cover us? Before, Stinger would guard our backs while we charged our weapon. Now we're completely defenseless!"
"Nah, you're not." A voice cut through the air from a high point. Arty felt a strong sense of Deja Vu. Pushing it aside, she quickly locked her E-Liter's scope at the general area.
"Y'know, that really won't work." The voice came from the left this time.
Before Arty has time to lock her shot there, it came from the right. "Can you not? I'll help you if you don't try to kill me."
Seven butted in. "I know this is a nice little exchange, but you think you can outwit me?"
If fire came out of nostrils, Seven would have started a blaze. "REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!"
"How was that witty in any way?"
Seven took a deep breath, and answered. "It wasn't. It did give my friend time to lock into you though."
"Wait nonono—," was all the voice could get out before getting sniped by Arty.
Seven did an air fist bump. "Booyah! Get sniped, boiiiiiiiiiii!" While Arty examines the figure that toppled out of the shadows.
"She's not a boy, Seven."
The figure was a female Octoling, with her hair in a ponytail. She was sporting a Takoroka Mesh, with a White V-Neck Tee and gloves on. She wore Icy Down Boots, with a light skin color and deep-sea blue eyes. An ink tank and a Splattershot Pro were strapped to her back.
She dramatically stood up slowly and spoke. "Jeez. You—" she pointed at Arty, "need to NOT attack everything you see or hear, and you—" her finger went to Seven, "need to seriously CHILL."
Seven shrugged. "Meh, I can be more rage if I wanted to."
"Good to know." The Octoling turned to Arty. "The name's Avia, by the way, and I'm the person who attacked your boyfriend the day he found you in the subway."
"He's not my boy—" Arty protested before finding that gleam in Avia's eye, that gleam that said I will believe what I want to believe. You just have to deal with it.
"Anyways, yeah, I'll watch your back if you admit you need it."
Seven stepped forward. "We admit we need it."
"'Kay, that's what I wanted to here! Now, you have cephalopizza or something? I'm starving."
Arty looked at Seven, and he facepalmed.
We're in for a wild ride.


Stinger awoke in a room filled with darkness. When he tried to move, he realized, his hands and legs were glued to the wall by some sort of green goo— not exactly ink, but much like it.
"Comfortable?" A voice echoed as if through a hallway— his own, except with a monotonous ring to it.
"No, can't say that I am."
"That's too bad." The voice stepped out of the shadows.
It was him— same gear, same hair, same Brush— but he was made of the same glowing goo he was stuck in.
"What are you made of?"
Not Stinger chuckled. "The same stuff that's holding you down. Sanitized Ink."
"Where am I?"
"Easy question, kinda complicated answer. Ya see, you're locked in your subconscious. Only way you can get out is by force, and you're kinda stuck at the moment."
"Who are you?" Stinger demanded, already dreading his answer.
"Well of course, I'm May. But your friends may know me better as Tartar."

Sorry for the short chapter and cliffhanger 😐😐. I escaped from Deepsea Metro today, so yeah.
Also, I wanna give a shoutout to agent_eight for the follow, and for laughing at the jokes I put on her book. Your books are awesome!
Until next week...
Stay fresh!
*coughs as I wad up the script* What were we talking about again? Memes? Here ya go:

Stay fresh!*coughs as I wad up the script* What were we talking about again? Memes? Here ya go:

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