The Special Purple Crayon

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That one stupid crayon. . .

        It all started in the first grade. He asked me if he could use the purple crayon I was using, and I, of course, said no. I have had stubbornness issues and a strong obsession with How To Train Your Dragon since forever, so no way was I going to give him my special purple crayon. I always colored toothless with my special purple crayon. He said he needed it for his Viking's kilt. I told him that kilts cannot be purple, and then we ended up in a little- kid fight. We earned ourselves a time out in a separate room (our stupid teacher believed in 'talking things out'). But instead of talking about our argument, or fighting even more, we talked about everything. He showed me his toothless action figure and ended up giving it to me at the end of the day. Me and Thomas Sangster have been best friends ever since. Yeah, yeah, the 'famous' Thomas Sangster, the one from Nanny McPhee and The Maze Runner. That's my best friend. No, it's not always easy, and no, I do not understand why all my twitter comments read "OMG YOUR SO LUCKY!!!" He's just a person.
        Anyways, my name is Amabel. Weird name, right? Thomas always calls me 'Lama' and 'Bel' and 'Ms. Scary Eyes'. The scary eyes part was from first grade. He thought my eyes were scary because they were such a mixture of blue and gray. He's always made fun of my long red 'Annie hair', as he describes it, even though it's straight and refuses to curl. The only thing I could ever come up to tease him about was his eyes. I used to call him 'poopy-eyes' back in the first grade. Good times, right? Well, this is our crazy, screwed-up story. Enjoy living vicariously through our lives.

Hello lovely readers. . .

So I feel really stupid cause How To Train Your Dragon wasn't even out when Thomas was in the first grade. I know what you're thinking, 'What the heck?' Well, sometimes in life you just need to have an imagination. WUT.

I'm stupid. Next chapter is up. Ily all, enjoy. :) :) :)

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