That'll Shut Him Up

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It was just a stupid idea. . .

I laughed as Thomas struggled with the heavy bags. "Weak. Weak!" I cried into the evening air. "If you think I'm so weak why don't you just kiss me." He grunted as he dragged his large duffel to the stairs that led to the house. Suddenly, I had an idea that would surely shut him up. Probably for the rest of his natural born freaking life. I smirked and stopped in my tracks, dropping my bags. The poor confused blonde didn't even have time to react before I strutted over to him, grabbed him by his shirt collar, and kissed him full on the lips. Unexpected sparks exploded inside of me as I pulled back. But I kept my cool as I picked up my bags and walked past a stunned Thomas up the stairs. Ha, and you call him an actor. He was just standing there while flies flew into his agape mouth. My aunt was already standing in the door when I arrived in the threshold. "Aunt Evie!" I smiled as I walked through the door and set down my bags to hug her. "Oh hello sweetie. I missed you so much!" I laughed "I missed you too. And Duke, of course." I said as I bent down to pet her sweet German Shepherd, who was wagging his tail, anxiously waiting for me to pet him. "Uhh. . .Is he okay?" She pointed to Thomas, who still stood in the driveway. "No." I simply replied. "Thomas!" I yelled down to him to snap him out of his daze. He came back to life, a deep blush burning his ears. He came up the stairs quickly, greeting my Aunt and the dog. "I call the good room!" I yelled at Thomas, running up the small staircase. He ran after me, trying to catch the best room. I beat him to the top of the stairs and dropped my luggage at the door to then flop on the king sized bed. "Ha!" I said, staring at the ceiling. "Ugh." Thomas groaned, laying beside me as he dropped his luggage. "Hey! Get outta my room!" I said, standing and putting my hands on my hips. "But I wanna watch the tv" he replied, drawing out the 'v' while pointing to the flat screen that hung, suspended from the opposite wall. "Nope!" I say, offering him a hand to help him stand up. He sighed and swatted it away, standing up. He picked up his bags and made his way to the door, moping. "If you happen to need any company and I'm the last person on Earth, you know where to find me." I laughed as he hung his head and walked down the stairs to the other room. I put my bags in a suitable corner of the room, naming them To Be Unpacked Later, and ran downstairs to talk to my Aunt. I found her on the big puffy couch in the living room, a book in her lap and glasses on her nose. "Hey!" She says when she notices me. "Hey! What's up?" I ask her. "Oh, just reading. But that's not important. What's important is Thomas." She replies, wiggling her eyebrows. "Uhh. . . What?" I answer, eyebrows now raised in question. "He's really cute." She says like she's got a schoolgirl crush. My mouth drops open. "Evie!" I scold, smiling. "What? I just said he's cute. I ship y'all. Hmm, what should we call it? Thomabel or Amamas?" "Evie!" I say, this time much louder. I glance back where Thomas's room was. "Yeah, your right. Amamas is just silly. Thomabel forever!" This time I don't even say anything. I just stare at her with a look on my face that said, 'Are you crazy? God have mercy on my soul!'. She smiled knowingly. "Aw, come on. 'Just friends' don't kiss in driveways." Now it was my turn for my mouth to hang open. "Aunt Evie! I was just teaching him a lesson. I would never think of Thomas in a 'more- than- just- friends' way!" I whisper- yell. "Alright, alright. But you can't stop me from shipping it. Now go get your 'friend'. Dinner is ready."

Sorry. I just had to. Now don't you worry, readers. I have a plan. MUWAHAHAHA.

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