The Crow Has Figured It Out

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         You sat still he hugged you tightly "Is that why I didn't see you no more, before that contract you fought if needed but then you never showed up again ." Sebastian says he knows you because you would always report to Satan when you have had eaten a soul or made a new contract ,but then you stopped years went by Sebastian didn't see you anymore until now ."The contract took 19 years ." you say "Have you eaten a soul since that ." Sebastian asks "No." you say "Then how did you make it through ." he asks "I used my shadow abilities to save me ,I was locked in a black room for my contract with my last one." you say "How did it work ." he asks "They covered my soul in a bubble until I eat again so I won't die ." you say Sebastian was on one knee and his hands buttoning my shirt ."Have you told him what happened ." Sebastian asks you feel like your going to cry you feel something go down your cheek you wipe a tear Sebastian hugged you tightly "No I haven't ." you say your legs drag with you you hug him back your arms feel tight "I will take you there then ." Sebastian says you wipe your face and touch the floor a circle with a star appears Sebastian stands you up along with himself .You both stand on the sign you both appear in a mansion you are inside a guest room you both walk you change into your demon self so did Sebastian your dress appeared on you your wings out "Satan." you say "Sebastian and oh my is that you (your name) I haven't seen you in a long time ." Satan says as he hugs you and shakes hands with Sebastian "Yes I'm here to report." you say "Have many ." "One ." you say looking at the ground "How did it go." Satan asks "Not very well I was kept for 19 years and the soul was not given to me ." you say "Who ,You are one out of the bests you are allowed to kill a him or a her ." Satan says "The black room ." you say "They used your ability against you well I will give you a soul since this is a bad situation ." Satan says one of his servants appear with a little box that had a key too ."Take this and eat when you want now keep on with your work."Satan says you nod and take the box .You and Sebastian return to the Ciel's mansion. "Aren't you going to eat now." Sebastian asks "Not yet." you say the shadows come back in human form they are twins their bangs cover their eyes they turn into themselves and go into the black room .You stand still you are losing it .Is Doll going to survive ?"Miss ?" Sebastian says .Lost in thoughts can be highly dangerous to the people around you. Move snap out of it. Remember the time the time when you were locked up and they walked in ? Snap out of it now! "Are you OK ." Sebastian says as he gets closer to you .You were looking downward but lost in your mind. NOW! "No no no ." you yell then you open your eyes wide and see that you got cut right through on your hip "(your name) what happened ." Sebastian says as he rushes to you he sees your wound the wound starts to close your dress starts to fix itself you drop to your hands and knees you are breathing hard Sebastian knees down next to you ."Miss breath slowly ." he says you grip the floor shadows come out rushing-ly they knee down beside you .Miss please get up they say in your thoughts We have to make sure you are alright they continued "(your name ) .Sebastian what is going on !" Ciel exclaimed he rushes to you your wings are gone now feathers touch the ground Miss please let us know what is wrong please they go on "Come get up ." Ciel says also kneeing down next to you your hands and arms tremble you bite your tongue blood slides to the ground from your hand Miss come on up you have to get well please the shadows say they sound sad .You have to think a way that will save itself. "Please get up take it as an order." Ciel says you get off your hands and stand up with your legs trembling your head facing the floor .Your hands on one side bloody the other bloody knuckled .The shadows run to you and try to look at the dress and find the problem they go to Sebastian and whisper "Dress." "Young master may I ask you to leave the room ." Sebastian says "Fine." Ciel says and walks out along with the twins. Sebastian stands behind you and starts to remove the dress by the strings he untied it when he was down your head hit his chest and you fell asleep .You woke up on your bed the shadows hugged you and picked up your dress and took it to the black room .You were wearing your jacket that was black and red stripped a crossed and black pants .You sit up Ciel was sitting on a chair next to the bed and Sebastian standing next to him .The jacket you were wearing covered your hands and butt "Hello ." you say "Hello (your name ) how are feeling ." Ciel asks "I don't know ." you say Sebastian looks at you his eyes softened by you "Hello Sebastian ." you wave he says "Hello miss." Sebastian says "What do you mean you don't know ." Ciel asks you "I don't feel a thing ." you say "What our young master is trying to say is that if you feel pain or any feelings that you don't like ." Sebastian says "No." you say you see the twins coming again with the box they handed it to you you opened it had a red heart shaped thing "What is it ." you ask them .The soul was shape changed ."Oh ." you say "Miss it is so the lock on your soul can go for now and then come again ,so you have to eat it ." Sebastian says .You open your mouth and put in your mouth "Eh." you say you turn pale Sebastian looks at you and rushes to your side Ciel looks at you with his one eye showing the shadows grab their hats with a strong grip you feel it as tasteless and dizzy you fall to your pillows dizzily "What is wrong ." Ciel asks worriedly 

"I'm so dizzy ." you say as you put your covered hands by your  jacket on your head "Well that wasn't supposed to happen to you." Sebastian says as he touches your forehead it was hot "Miss you seem to have a fever ." Sebastian says you put your sleeves that are hiding your hands on your eyes "Oh." you say and start to fall asleep "(Y.Name ) are you OK." Ciel asks he taps your shoulder you don't answer or move you are asleep .Miss please answer say the twins .You don't say a thing your mouth shut "Miss ?" Sebastian says he moves your bangs to the side your eyes still covered they start to get even more worried they shake you but still no movement .Miss please wake up don't say you are dead please they say in your thoughts .Your hands move a little but stay still to bad they are covered they didn't see .Your mouth opens a bit Sebastian was about to lose his self until he saw your lips move the twins were going to cry but they saw you breathing a little Ciel noticed that too. You moved to the side of your body you start to curl up in a ball your arms still in the same position .You moaned out "No." they heard they looked at you

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