8| Where did you hear that from??

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Chapter Eight: Where did you hear that from??

"WHAT?!" The boy shouted, eyes wide.

After a couple moments, he narrowed them, turning to me and looking me up and down.

"Are you sure? How could this orokana be of any help in defeating him?!" He snorted. I raised my hands in mock surrender.

"Hey, I'm not a... Orokana? Whatever that means." I protest, then uncertainly looking at Usagi. "But what do you mean? How is any of this possible? And didn't Jei die...?" I question, frowning.

Usagi sighed, shaking his head.

"Karasu has powers that brought you here, which means you are the only one who can defeat Jei. But you must switch between both of our realms during sleep, as Karasu explained to me while you were sleeping earlier." He began, glancing down at the boy.

"And yes, Jei did die. But it seems that he already had secretly taken enough of Kintaro's powers that his soul managed to stay alive, and he healed his body aswell." Usagi explained, grimly staring me in the eyes.

I gasped, eyes widening in despair.

"B-but what am I supposed to do? What about my brothers? How can I help defeat him when they're not here with me??" I question, frowning.

"You were brought here for a reason, Michelangelo, and you should have the supernatural power to do almost anything because of that. But for now, the best you can do to help is sleep." Usagi said, motioning to the mat.

I uncertainly sat down on it, glancing back and forth between the mutants.

"Really? Shouldn't he actually be helping us instead of lazing around all day?" The boy demanded, crossing his arms.

"Time travels differently in our realms, and he must be well rested in order to begin the journey." Usagi stated, giving Karasu a disapproving look.

The journey...?

When they finally left the hut, I laid down all the way, eventually drifting into sleep...

*                        *                        *        

*In the Lair*

When I woke up, the first thing that I noticed was that my clock read 9:17 PM.

Surprised, I leapt off of my bed, grabbing my mask and quickly wrapping it around my head.

Despite my much longer then intended sleep, I was happy to realize that I actually got some rest. Based off of the night before, I knew that I must have slept restfully without interruption for at least eight hours.

I was beginning to think that I'd never be able to sleep again.

I opened my door, quietly walking into the main area of the Lair. Multiple thoughts swarmed through my head, and it was hard to focus on one before switching to another.

Should I tell Leo, Donnie, and Raph??

I glanced around, realizing Donnie was the only one in sight, sitting in the pit and typing on his laptop.

No, they wouldn't believe me. I guess I'll just have to keep yet another secret...

Suddenly, I remembered something that had interested me before. That boy, Karasu, called me a orokana hentai. I think that was Japanese, but what does it mean...?

Master Splinter had only taught most of us necessary Japanese words for ninjutsu, figuring that we would never be able to go to Japan anyways. So therefore, I didn't have any clue what the words meant; but I knew Leo and Donnie would, since they had requested that Master Splinter taught them everything about the language.

I debated looking it up on my T-phone, but pushed away the thought when I realized I didn't know how to spell it.

"Hey D, can I talk to you?" I ask, grinning as I walked up to him.

He glanced up from his laptop, rolling his eyes and tiredly nodding.

"Okay, so I heard some Japanese words and didn't know how to spell them so I can't really look up what they mean on my T-phone because of that... So I was wondering if you could tell me what they mean?" I question, rocking back and forth on my feet.

After a few moments of silence, Donnie sighed.

"What are the words, Mikey?" He mumbled, typing on his laptop again.

"Oh yeah," I laugh nervously, rubbing the back of my neck. Then I look back at him, tipping my head curiously.

"They're 'orokana'."

He stopped, before continuing what he was doing, glancing up to look at me. His eyes were wide with confusion.

"Where did you hear that from?" He asked, then sighing again. "Different then what Raph usually says, and he only really knows respectful Japanese words that Master Splinter taught him anyways..."

"What does it mean?" I question, confused. Donnie shrugged.

"Nothing bad, just teasing words."

"Oh, so can I call Raph it-"

"Nope!" Donnie yelped, clearly alarmed. I leapt back in surprise, holding my hands up.

"I mean... No, I wouldn't irritate him like that." He winced..


"Donnie, Mikey, time for patrol." Leo ordered, walking in from the kitchen. We nodded to him, and I watched as he went to get Raph.

When everyone was ready, we left the Lair, heading towards the ladder that would lead to the surface.

I can't help but feel like something's going to go wrong tonight...

Aʋtʋɱŋ Wɩŋʛs ✸ 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗪𝗜𝗡𝗚𝗘𝗗 𝗪𝗔𝗥𝗥𝗜𝗢𝗥 (TMNT)Where stories live. Discover now