I: The Emperor

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     It was the middle of the night when a black haired girl came into Chris' room, puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks. Though she was no longer crying, Chris could tell how much she had been.

     He had to admit, he had shed a few tears as well, but it was less out of the fact that he would most likely die and more from the fact that he would have to kill people.

     "Chan?" Her voice came out shaky and quiet. It sounded like she hadn't spoken for years. Chris looked up from the tarot cards he held in his hand, making eye contact with the girl.

     "You can just call me Chris." He said. She nodded and sat down on the floor in the corner of his room. "You can also sit on a chair if you want." He chuckled. Her face flushed pink and she nodded, standing up and finding a chair in front of the big window. "What's on your mind?" He asked.

     "Too many things." She sighed. "I just thought a conversation would clear it up." She explained. Chris nodded and sat down on the floor in front of her. He placed down his deck of cards and her eyes widened. "How expensive were those?"

     "A few names in the ballot." Chris said. Though it was a sad fact, his eyes smiled and glimmered. In fact, he was very proud of the deck. "Do you want me to do a reading for you, Nayeon?" She nodded.

     "I want a three spread reading. Please." She told him. He smiled and nodded, handing her the cards.

     "Shuffle through them until you feel like you can't shuffle them anymore. Don't forget to ask them a question as you do so." Nayeon nodded and closed her eyes, shuffling through the deck. A card fell out and Chris pushed it to the side. She handed him back the cards and he spread them out in front of her. "Pick three." and so she did.

     "Left to right, turn them over. Don't turn them upside down though." She turned over the first card. "Judgement. This card represents rebirth and reflection in a person. You need to look back on your deeds and evaluate what you need to do now to lead this new life. Learn from your past mistakes and move on." He explained. She flipped over the next card.

     "2 of Pentacles." He read. "You're trying to find balance in the current situation that you are in. Rapid change is becoming the norm in your life and you are feeling rushed. You will be blocked by unavoidable circumstances and opposing forces however, you will overcome your struggles and find the balance you need." She flipped the next card with a shaky hand.

     Chris' eyes widened and his heart beat sped up as he looked at the card. Nayeon was frozen, eyes wide, hand still on the card.

     "Death. A cycle will come to an end. You must sacrifice something in order to continue onto the next plane." He explained. The way he explained it put her at ease a bit. She flipped the last card, the one put to the side.

     "The Chariot, reversed. You are no longer in control of two opposing forces in your life that battle for dominance. In fact, you feel like you can only observe them. What must you let go in order to be in control of the situation?" Nayeon nodded and looked over the cards again.

     "I asked them how I can survive." She revealed. "Can you sum up what they're telling me?"

     "Situation, Judgement; they're telling you that you're desperately trying to change and questioning yourself. They say you need to look upon your past mistakes and make a true evaluation of yourself before changing anything.

     Action, 2 of Pentacles; you're being rushed and need to find balance in your life. You need to overcome life's unavoidable obstacles. Outcome, death; you will end up sacrificing a big part of yourself to become who you want to be. In order to do that, that part of you must be dead.

     In order to survive, these cards are telling you there is much to change, however if you remain strong and become someone who understands themselves and trusts their intuition, then you can survive." He said. She let out a sigh.

     "With your explanation I feel a bit better." Nayeon said. She stood up from her chair and yawned. "Thank you, Chris. I think I'll head to sleep now. You should too." Chris nodded and smiled as she left.

     With her gone, he thought to do his own reading. Situation, action, outcome. So he shuffled, asked, and picked out the cards.

     Situation, 8 of Cups. Action, King of Pentacles. Outcome, 4 of Swords. Chris closed his eyes and thought of what the cards meant. 8 of Cups, disappointment, loss and walking away. One feels a loss inside because of unfinished business being left behind.

     Chris' mind went to his mangey looking dog. Who will take care of him if he isn't there? He let out a sigh and went to the next card. Action, King of Pentacles. There's someone that will show up in his life who he will feel drawn to. Someone who will want to protect him and share their knowledge with him.

     Outcome, 4 of Swords. There will be rest and happiness after a period of struggle and heartbreak. Chris applied it all to his question,

     What does my future hold?

     Happiness after heartbreak. Many trials await, however he will rest. He hummed, nodded, stood up and then put his cards away safely. He layed down into his bed and turned the lights off, staring at the dark ceiling.

     There is nothing to miss, but why do I feel a loss? He wondered. A rest could mean death but winning as well. He felt negative towards the card.

     Perhaps his rest would be permanent.


Chapter preview:

     "That won't determine my life or death."

     "That's the right attitude to go in with!"

     "Making a title means I'll have to throw all morals out the window."

     "I don't think I'll live long enough to be able to make that decision."

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