XVII: The Lovers

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     Meet me by the river after the sun sets. Don't tell anyone.

     Jisung felt a smile creep onto his face as he read the little letter. He knew the writing. He knew who had sent it, despite there being no signature. He knew it was from Minho.

     He put the letter down on his table where he found it, looking outside. The sun was setting, however it wasn't the right time yet. Jisung waited, making a cup of tea and becoming antsy.

     He accidentally grabbed his father's attention as he paced around their living room anxiously. The older man let out a laugh at his sons strange actions.

     "What are you doing?" He asked him. Jisung jumped in surprise.

     "Uh nothing, just thinking." He said. "I was gonna go see Minho... If that's okay with you." Jisung said, stopping and looking up. His father smiled and nodded.

     "Of course." His voice turned into a whisper. "Don't you let anyone see you though. They're not as lenient with people like you as your mother and I are." His father warned. Jisung nodded and have him a smile.

     Jisung's parents were the only people that knew about him and Minho. They were very open minded people. As long as Jisung listened to the rules they set out, they were fine with him falling in love with whoever he wanted. However, in district 5, everyone knew everyone's secrets.

     So the two had to be extra careful. It was a crime to be like Jisung and Minho. They could be killed just for being in love.

     Jisung looked out of the window and decided it was time to go. He said a quick goodbye to his father before leaving the door with a lantern in hand. He headed to the river, his stomach full of butterflies and a smile spread from ear to ear.

     When he arrived he saw Minho sitting on the river bank, playing with flowers he had found on the ground. The area around him was lit up with several lanterns along the riverside.

     "Minho." Jisung said quietly. The latter turned around, smiling. He motioned for Jisung to sit down next to him. Jisung did as he was told, laying his head on Minho's shoulder. Minho pet his hair and picked something up from next to him. Jisung's eyes widened as he handed it to him.

     "I was going to just buy you a rose, but that's just cheesy and I know you love Alstromeria, so, here you are." Minho told him. Jisung looked at him in disbelief.

     "Wait, for real?" He asked, voice breathy. Minho smiled and nodded.

     "It's all yours. I could only afford a single stem, so I'm sorry." He explained. Jisung leaped forward, crashing their lips together. Minho jumped back in surprise, giggling at him. "Ah, Jisung, you'll hurt the flower, back up!" He said. Jisung did as he was told and took the flower in hand.

     "Thank you, Minho. But why?" He asked. Minho shrugged.

     "Just because. I like seeing you happy." He said, planting a small kiss on Jisung's cheek. The two laid down and stared at the night sky. "I wish we could just go to another planet and live there. Just us. No stupid games. No hiding from people." Minho sighed. Jisung hummed in agreement.

     "Are you scared for the games?" Jisung asked. Minho was quiet.

     "I..." He paused to think. "I think I'd be fine if I were picked. I don't want you to be picked." Minho said. "I don't wanna be left alone."

     "I don't want to either." Jisung said. Minho turned to him.

     "But you have a family. You have your parents. You need to take care of them." Jisung sighed and turned away.

     "But I can't think about being without you." Jisung said, staring at the Alstromeria. "I don't want to live in a world without you."


Chapter preview:

     "I think... I really like you, Felix."
     "It's not fair!"
     "I want to run away with you."

District 9 // Chanlix [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now