IV: The Moon

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     It was the night before the games. The interview night. Chris stood back stage next to Nayeon in his golden coloured suit, her in a large, flowing gold dress. She was nervous.

     Her hands shook and her face was pale, the only colour being the piled up makeup on her face. Chris saw this and placed his hand on her lower back soothingly.

     "It's okay. It's just talking. Just be you. You're cute, it'll charm them." He told her. She let out a shaky sigh and nodded. However much he reassured her, he still could not reassure himself.

     Chris watched as the tributes walked up, many of them with smiling faces, laughing with the interviewer as if everything were a joke. Chris could see behind their eyes however. He felt the fear in them.

     The most shocking one was Han from district 5. He was confident in himself. Ready to fight. Chris had seen him before. He worked hard in the training arena. He scored an 8 on his evaluation.

     He was close with another tribute, Lee Know from district 2. They were deadly when put together, considering the fact that Minho scored a 9 on his evaluation. They acted like old friends around each other and Chris did not understand why.

     He watched the rest of the interviews until it was his turn. He stepped into the stage as the interviewer screamed his name into the microphone. He put up his facade and smiled, waving to the crowd and shaking the man's hand.

     He answered a multitude of questions, mostly of Chris' appearance and if he was ready. He cracked a few jokes here and there, making the man laugh.

     "Tell me, what's your plan to survive?" The man asked. Chris smiled and waved his hand passively.

     "You know I can't say!" He laughed. "But I'll tell you this; my main plan is to win. Just like everyone else's." He felt nauseous just thinking about the whole thing. He let out a big sigh and let his face fall back to normal once the whole thing was over. He sat backstage next to Nayeon and watched the rest of the interviews on the tv.

     One in particular caught his eye. The boy from district 11. Lee Felix was his name. He looked soft, his walk was careful and calculated and his eyes sparkled. But they sparkled with fear. He shook the interviewers hand, revealing soft, gentle, small palms.

     This boy looked innocent. He was obviously nervous as well. Even a blind person could tell. He had the deepest voice Chris had ever heard. He stuttered on his words and spaced out several times, causing the audience to laugh. When he was done, Chris watched as he walked off stage with his head and shoulders low.

     Then another one caught his eye. A tall one, voice rough and growly. His eyes shined with determination and he smirked like he had something up his sleeve.

     District 12's Seo Changbin.

     He was charming. There was no way that anyone in the audience would be bored by his looks. He was Chris's biggest competition. He was loved by the crowd and he even gave them his sob story, causing some to shed tears. Even the interviewer cried.

     Chris scoffed and rolled his eyes at the reactions. Changbin had described what it was like to live in a poor district. He described everywhere excluding the capitol. As if it were a unique experience.

     Later that night, Chris found himself sobbing in Nayeon's arms. Why? He had no clue. It just felt natural to find refuge in her. Perhaps it was because she was just as scared he was, crying just as much as him.

     They fell asleep in Nayeon's room, the covers balled up between them, their cheeks wet with tears, eyes red and eyelids heavy. However sad and scared they felt, it was their last moment of peace.


He wanted to go back.

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