X: Ten of Pentacles

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     There was a cannon.

     Chris wondered who it was. He looked to the emerald ring on his index finger, remembering Nayeon. He knew it wasn't her. He could feel it. He sighed and put his cards away. His stomach began to ache so he crouched up in a ball. He was caught off guard when he heard the sound of someone screaming his name.

     It was Jeongin.


     It replayed in his mind like a broken record. His face. His eyes. Everything.

     "Chris, help!"

     It wasn't real. Or at least that's what he told himself. He ran towards the voice, however, what he found was not Jeongin.

     A hive of bees. From the look of them, Chris knew they were not normal. Wasps.

     No, tracker jackers. He backed up slowly, staring at the swarm. A gust of wind conveniently flew by, knocking the hive off of the tree.

     Chris gasped and ran the opposite direction as fast as he could.

     Felix ran as fast as he could. All he wanted to do was run. He looked behind him, expecting someone or something to be following him, but instead it was in front.

     He ran into a tall boy with grayish hair in a messy undercut. His eyes looked sad, slanted down a bit. He was slightly taller than Felix and his presence was strong and prominent, intimidating Felix a bit.

     Felix's eyes widened as well as the other boys. They made eye contact for a few seconds before Felix decided to try and push him over. It worked but the boy was quick to react and fought back.

     They tumbled around in the dirt, fighting for dominance. So far, Felix was losing, a cut on his lip and a bloody nose while the other boy was over top of him with a weak grip around his neck; Felix staring up in terror.

     Felix grabbed his wrists and tried prying off his arms from his neck. He scratched them with his nails to the point that his skin broke and he began to bleed. His grip became weaker, however. Felix made eye contact with him, his eyes conveying his growing fear of death. To the latter it resembled a sad puppy.

     The latter's eyes filled with tears and his grip was loose enough for Felix to slip through. He pushed the other over and without realising, pushed him down a hill.

     Unfortunately it wasn't only the gray haired boy who went down. He had a grip on Felix's coat and they both fell, tumbling down at least 15 feet. Felix stood up and recollected himself before grabbing his knife and pointing it at the gray haired boy. He hadn't realised, but the other boy had been crying. He looked up at Felix with a sad face.

     "I can't... I can't do this anymore. I can't kill anyone else... Please... Just do it." He said. "Please." Something in Felix made him want to. But something louder said to help him up and tend to his wounds.

     Felix pondered on the though, his shaky hand pointing a blade at the latter. The other boy only looked away. But... He could be useful... Since I can't hunt. Felix looked to the quiver and bow that had fallen from the other boys grip. He could hunt for me.

     Felix hummed and stepped towards the boy. The other closed his eyes, but gasped and opened them again when Felix slapped him on the face an helped him up.

     "I don't kill people. Not on purpose at least. And I sure as hell won't start now." Felix told him. The other boy gave him a look up and down, studying him. Felix took a hold of his shirt sleeve. "You're Chris, right? You shot three arrows all at once and hit three lethal parts of the target." He pointed out. Chris nodded, remembering who taught him while Felix pulled him up by his sleeve.

     "And you're Felix? You're really good with camouflage." Chris said. Felix shrugged as they walked up the hill.

     "Meh. That's where my skills end. I told you," he said, looking at Chris. "I don't kill people." They reached the top of the hill as the sun began to set. Felix sat the other down and rolled up his sleeve. "I scratched up your arms pretty bad. Let me check it out." He said. They were both in pretty bad shape. Felix had a gash on the right side of his head after hitting a rock on their way down. Chris had a busted lip and his nose was all bloody.

     Looking into his backpack, Felix found a few pieces of cloth. He wrapped them around Chris' arms. They cleaned themselves up and Felix looked around. "We should find something to eat." He told Chris.

     Chris nodded and shushed Felix before throwing a rock into the bushes, causing some birds to fly out. He smirked and shot one as it tried to fly away. Turning around, he smugly smiled at Felix who looked amazed.

     "Do it again." Felix said excitedly. He did the same trick until Felix was satisfied. Felix plucked the wings and cooked the birds over a fire then stuffed the bird feathers into his back pack.

     "What will you use that for?" Chris asked, finishing off a wing from a blue jay.

     "I don't know. It could come in handy for something. A trap? Making arrows? Camo? Anything really." Felix explained. Chris hummed and nodded.

     "I see." He said. "It's getting dark." Chris pointed out. Felix nodded and looked through his backpack.

     "Here, it's cold." He said, taking a blanket out. "I'll watch you sleep and we'll take turns."

     "How can I trust you?" Chris asked. Felix chuckled lightly.

     "Pinky swear I won't eat you while you're asleep." He said, holding out his hand.

     "That childish promise was enough to convince me." Chris laughed while pulling up the blanket over his chest.

     The music played again and Chris looked up for the fallen.

District 1: Jessi
District 3: Shiho
District 7: Amber
District 8: Jennie
District 10: Jeongin
District 12: Momo

     Felix turned to Chris with a knowing look on his face. Chris' face was full of tears.

     "He was with you... Wasn't he?" Felix asked. Chris nodded and turned over, closing his eyes. "I'm sorry."


Chapter preview:

     What the hell? He's so gentle...
     "Are you... into guys or something?"
     "Fucking Chris. Goddammit!"

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