Chapter Twelve

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Say it before you run out of time.

Say it before it's too late.

Say what your feeling,

waiting is a mistake.

Sasha's POV

I woke up to something poking my face repeatedly. I opened my eyes to be met by brown familiar ones. Bayley kept poking my face making me groan and slap her hand away.

"Ow!" She said and hit me back

"That's assault!" I screamed making her jump and run out of the tent.

"I'm innocent!" Bayley said to Alexa, Becky, and Charlotte who were seated by the campfire.

"Good morning to you guys as well?" Alexa says

"It must have been there was a lot of screaming last night." Charlotte says with a mischievous smirk.

"Yeah you guys were so loud!" Becky laughs as Bayley and I blushed.

"Hey! You guys would've screamed just as loud if there were bugs okay!" I say making them all laugh.

A/n: I bet that you guys thought it was dirty 😏

"Well that was karma for shaking our tent yesterday!" Alexa says

"I guess" Bayley says as she walks over and takes a seat next to Alexa, to close for my liking.

"Okay so what do you guys want to do for our last day here?" Becky asks putting a frown on everyone's face.

"Why does it have to be our last day?" Charlotte groans

"Oh well you know there's this place called school, and we need to attend it." I say

"But I'm smart I don't need to attend this place called school!" Charlotte says making me giggle.

"If that's so then why are there two tents rather than five?" I question making her huff.

"Okay listen you don't need to call me out on my math skills!" Charlotte says making us all laugh.

"What math skills?" Becky asks making Charlotte gasp.

"Yeah I didn't know you had any." Bayley says making Charlottes jaw drop.

"Wow I officially hate all of you, except Alexa she's the only nice one here." Charlotte says

"Thanks Char." Alexa says with a smile.

"Okay enough talking about Charlottes incapability to count up to five. What are we going to do today?" I ask making Charlotte shake her head and begin throwing small rocks at me.

I already know what I want to do today.

Ask out Bayley

But I'll wait until tonight when her and I are all alone, then I'll get all romantic.

I look over towards the beautiful lake right besides our tents. As I look further out I see a small boat.

That's perfect!

Later on tonight I'll ask Bayley to get on the boat with me and then once we're out in the water I'll ask her!

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