Chapter Thirty Five

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Sasha's POV

"Good job Braun." I say congratulating the guy since he just won a match.

"Thanks Banks" He says

I hear a door open and look over to see Bayley and Alexa just arrived along with their puppy.
The puppy ran to me causing me to giggle and pet him.

"Hey bud" I say earning a small bark from the dog.

I looked up at Alexa who rolled her eyes. I looked at Bayley who was giving me a friendly smile as she sat down besides me.

The sofa that Seth and I were seated on was able to hold four people so far there were only three, me in the middle. Alexa looked at Seth and I noticed that she stiffened up a bit, then she sat down on Bayley's lap.

"Um, Lexi there is a seat next to Seth." Becky points out looking at the girl confused.

"Yeah but I want to sit here." She says, making Bayley smile as she kissed her cheek.

"So what happened to all of you guys the other night?" Charlotte asks

Bayley explained our situation, how I was drunk and so.

"Man, I wish I was there." Becky says with a laugh.

"What about you two? Alexa how come you didn't go home?" Charlotte asks

"Yes?" Alexa says getting off of Bayley's lap and walking out of the room.


"I just went home and slept. Yup, sleep, sleeping is fun don't you guys think? Sash, ima go grab some water." He says clearing out his throat before getting up and leaving.

"Okay? Anyways, let's get ready for our tag match." Bayley says

Bayley and I have to face against Becky and Charlotte which is a match we are excited for since we are all friends.

"No, don't leave me." Carmella pouted as she hugged me.

"I can't just forfeit Leah." I say making her hum.

"Yes you could and we can go get some food!" She says making me sigh.

"I wish I could but, after?" I reply making her groan but nod.

As the four of us were walking into the locker room to change into our ring gear I heard some muffled talking coming from one of the restricted rooms.

No one is allowed in there, who is it?

Maybe a janitor or a crew member?

"Hey, do you hear that?" I tell Bayley

"Hear what? Oh yeah, what is that?" She says walking in the direction of the noise.

"I think it's that room." I say pointing to the room making the most noise causing her to nod.

"Should we open the door?" She asks, grabbing the doorknob.

"Nah, let's listen." I whispered as I leaned on the door trying to hear the voices.

"Look don't bring it up alright?" One voice said

"I won't! They can't........." I was unable to hear what the second voice said.

"It's.......okay.....again." The first voice says.

"What harm." The second voice says quietly once again, irritating me since I wanted to hear.

"But.....her....fine." The first voice says

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