Chapter Forty Four

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Bayley's POV

"Lexi, babe." I say trying to peel the girl off of me.

"Don't go." She whines

"I have to, I don't want to be fired." I say

"Ugh, fine." She huffs out angrily

"It's just a few days." I say, brushing some of her hair behind her ear.

"That's a few days to many." She says making me chuckle.

"My flight is" I say as I grab my luggage.

"Wait!" She says making me turn around to face the small blond.

"Yes?" Instead of replying Alexa gives me a soft kiss.

I look down at the small dog laying down on my shoes.

"Bye buddy." I say as I pet Flex who barks in response.

"I'll take care of him." Alexa says

"I'll take him with me next time so you don't have to worry." I say making her nod.

"You sure you don't want to quit?" She asks making me giggle.

"No baby, I need to leave." I say as I kiss her forehead, "I love you, bye." I say

"Okay, bye babe." She says making me smile and wave.

I walk out to the parking lot of our apartment complex and smile as I see Becky and Charlotte's car.

"Hey Bails!" Becky, Charlotte, and Sasha all greeted.

"Hey, ready to make our debuts on Raw?" I ask excitedly as I put my luggage in their trunk.

"Hell yeah! Let's go!" Sasha says and we begin our drive to the airport.

"Was Alexa upset that your leaving?" Becky asks

"Yeah she didn't want to let me go." I say making them awe, except Sasha.

"Sash, what about Seth?" Charlotte asks

"Yeah, he did the same." She says

"So I was told we get to pair up with another person and shake a hotel room." Becky says

"I call Becky." Charlotte quickly says

"Aw, I wanted Becky." Sasha says with a pout

"Wow, that didn't hurt." I say making her smile as she hugged me.

"You know I-I love you." She says, forming an odd feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"Okay, let's get on this plane." Charlotte says as we arrive at the airport. We grab our stuff and make our way inside, checking in and grabbing some snacks.

"I'm nervous." I mumble causing the purple haired girl besides me to wrap an arm around my waist.

"Why Bails?" Sasha asks

"It's a plane. There are so many bad things that could happen, seriously what if something goes wrong?" I ask

"Nothing is going to go wrong. I promise." She says, holding her pinkie out.

"Fine." I say right before our plane begins boarding. Within a matter of minutes we are all seated on the plane.

"Bayley, you nervous?" Charlotte asks making me nod as I looked out the small window besides me.

"Don't worry, just because we might crash and die it doesn't mean it's for sure gonna happen." Becky says making my eyes widen. I saw Sasha kick Becky's shin, the Irish girl winced in pain.

Don't Let Her Go (G x G) COMPLETE ✔️💯Where stories live. Discover now