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Sometime in the night, they'd all managed to lay down and nod off. The sunlight greets Adeline hours later, curled up on her side, Newt's back pressed against hers. Adeline wakes up to Thomas, shooing a crow away from his gear. In this process, he wakes up the others. Adeline props herself up on one elbow, before sitting upright, raking her fingers through her hair as she attempts to wake up. Newt has turned onto his left side and propped himself up on one elbow, now awake too, as Thomas gets to his feet, looking around at their surroundings.

"Are they gone?" Newt asks, his voice kind of slurred due to just waking up.

"Yeah, I think we're safe now." Thomas responds. Newt nods, before his eyes shift to her.

"Hey." He whispered, placing a hand to her leg. "Sleep OK?"

"I guess. You?" He nods. Adeline gets to her feet, retrieving her backpack from the ground, which she used as some sort of makeshift pillow.

"Okay." Thomas speaks up, moving around. "We should get moving. Let's pack it up. Aris, come on. Fry, Winston. Let's go."

Winston attempts to get up, but his body refuses without being in agonizing pain. In the night they'd bandaged his bloodied hip up to stop the bleeding after those creatures gave him that nasty gash last night. Frypan helps Winston up. They begin to climb up the wreckage, away from where they slept that night. They get to the top of the wreckage, on one of the levels of what would've been the car park. They come to a stop, looking over the edge. They'd been in a city the entire time, yet the city was that of remains of one, with destroyed skyscrapers and decaying buildings. They continued on, climbing over and down into the main ground of the city.

It's hard to think this was all caused by solar flares. All this destruction.

Walking through the remains of the destroyed city, the sun had begun to beat down on them all. They walked at a brisk pace, taking in their surroundings. It was hard to believe that this city would've been the home to thousands of people. That these streets they walked down, would've been filled with people living their day to day lives. With their klunky memories, they couldn't remember when all this suffering and destruction was caused, yet Adeline believed maybe that would've been a good thing. Maybe she didn't want to remember when all this happened, even though she did long for the memories of her family as much.

"What the hell happened to this place?" Frypan ponders, taking in their surroundings.

"I don't know." Newt says, before her. "It doesn't look like anyone's been here in a long time."

Wastelands → Newt [Movie Trilogy]Where stories live. Discover now