Chapter 11: Forceful waves are no blessing

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Diana examined herself thoroughly in the large hall mirror. She'd decided to wear her dark blue dress with the light blue flower pattern on, and over it-a white apron with ruffles at the shoulders.   Her hair was as usual, tied back by a blue silk band, letting her long dark hair fall down behind her back. Her mothers reflection appeared behind her.

"Diana, my dear, you need to learn how to tie a bow correctly," she untied the silk band from Dianas hair and made a new bow. "So, much better," she said and smiled pleasingly at her daughter.

"Thank you, mother." She said and smiled back at mrs. Barry.

"Now go on dear, I don't want you to be late for school."

"Yes, mother." She turned around to embrace her before walking out the door.

April in Avonlea was warm but brisk and Diana was pleased to not have to wear a coat to school anymore. When she walked on her own, she dearly wished she had Anne's imagination. Somehow, Anne always had a new idea or story to tell, and with her, it felt like anything was possible. Now all she could think about was such boring things as school and homework which she more than happily would like to disappear from her mind at once.

To her relief, Cole was coming her way and she quickened her steps to meet him.

"Cole!" She exclaimed and the two of them embraced each other.

"Good morning Diana!" He greeted her as they continued to walk to school.

"Oh can you believe it's only two weeks left to the spring event!" Diana said, clapping her hands together.

"Is it really named "Spring event"?" Cole asked critically. "It sounds so...Dull."

"Of course not!" She said. "It's actually named "A day of growth"." Cole looked at her puzzled.

"A day of growth? What ever do you mean by that Diana?" Diana sighed to herself.

"I mean that it is named "A day of growth"! Spring is a time when the flowers grow, the young birds fly out of their nests and romance fills the air! Everything grows." Cole nodded thoughtfully to himself.

"Hm...At least it is better then "spring event"."

After walking over Barry's pond or as Anne liked calling it, "The lake of shining waters"-Diana and Cole spotted Anne walking towards them, with no other than Gilbert Blythe.

"You said romance fills the air?" Cole noted and they both gave each other a look.

"Good morning!" Gilbert greeted them with a smile.

"Good morning Gilbert." The two friends said at once.

"Um...Gilbert wondered if--if he could join us to school." Anne said as she draw with her foot over the gravely red path.

"Why of course you can!" Diana said and Cole agreed.

Anne had never been more nervous and uncomfortable as now, in her whole life. She never used to be nervous around her two bosom friends, nor uncomfortable but now that Gilbert was walking with them-she certainly were.

"It's a very pleasant day to be outside." Diana said. "Don't you think Anne?"

"Oh...Yes it is perfect for ones imagination." She replied and took a step closer to Diana.

"It is unusually warm for being May." Gilbert noted.

"It sure is..."Cole said and looked at Diana who only shrugged.

This conversation was clearly going nowhere and Cole could no longer stand it.

"So, what changed your mind Gilbert?"

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