Chapter 14: Elaine's fate

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Two joyful girls were walking side by side on their way to Green gables. Since Ms. Stacy had gone sick, it meant no school for the Avonlea students and Diana, Ruby and Anne had decided to spend the day at the Cuthbert's home.

"I wonder what splendid ideas Anne has planned for us today!" Ruby squealed excitedly as they walked along the narrow path.

"Why it couldn't be anything less than the most thrilling of those, that's for sure!" Diana answered.

The blond girls face twisted into a sudden worry as she said:

"What if she'll get us in trouble Diana! Oh mother would be furious if anything happened us!" Diana only sighed at Ruby's comment.

"Everything will be just fine Ruby! Anne would never let anything happen us. I for one, have trust in her and I think you should have too."

As they neared the white gate, a boy was coming their way.

"Who's he now again?" Ruby whispered in wonder at the sight of him.

"Jerry Baynard, a boy the Cuthbert's hired to help Mr. Cuthbert in the barn. Why do you ask?" Diana said, raising a brow at her.

"He's quite handsome, isn't he?" Asked Ruby as she gazed at him. "Of course I could still not compare him to Gilbert, but he has a very pretty face don't you think?" She tilted her head slightly, her golden locks framing her face.

"Oh dear Ruby, you never seem to get enough of boys don't you!" Diana said, nudging her friend playfully.

Just as Ruby was about to protest, Jerry Baynard opened the gate for the two giggling girls.

"Bonjour ladies!" He greeted them, a charming smile plastered on his boyish face.

"H--Hello..." Ruby stuttered, her obvious shyness making her blush fiercely.

"I suppose you're Anne's amis?" Jerry asked and Ruby gave him a confused look.

"I--I beg your pardon?"

"Oh sorry, miss." He looked at the blond fair girl. "I wondered if you're friends with Anne."

"Oui, nous sommes las amis d'Anne!" (Yes, we are friends with Anne!) Diana said, her fluent french impressing the boy.

"Parlez-vous françes?" (You speak french?) He asked and Diana nodded politely.

"Oui! Elle, par contre, ne le fait pas malheureusement." (Yes! She on the other hand doesn't, unfortunately).

"Est-ce qu'elle ne fait pas? Alors je peux vous dire qu'elle est très belle." (She doesn't? Then I suppose I could tell you that I think she's very beautiful.)

His attempt to give her friend a compliment made Diana giggle but Ruby did not seem as happy.

"What are you talking about?" She asked them, feeling a bit upset that she was left out of what she saw was an entertaining conversation.

"Nothing..." Diana said, giving her a knowing wink.

"But why did you laugh then?" Ruby asked.

Diana looked over at Jerry who shook his head discreetly to her.

As Diana tried to think of the perfect excuse, since Jerry didn't want Ruby to find out what he'd told her friend-someone was running towards them.

"Jerry!" Anne yelled at the boy as she came their way. "Leave my friends alone!"

"What are you going to do? Threaten me?" He asked in a teasing tone and Anne only frowned.

"Diana, Ruby, lets go inside." Anne said as she grabbed both of their arms.

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