The Box

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You hadnt gotten any letters in the mail from Elliot for some time now you worried even more when he couldnt take you on his adventures with him. He let you stay in his home as you had nowhere else to go you were spacing out remembering the day you met him he saved you from being hunted. One of your black feathered wings was bleeding after getting shot down you attempted to crawl away from him as he approached you also you were pretty injured "i wont hurt you ma'am...let me look at that wing...oh my your terribly hurt".

You were shocked he wanted to help you looked at him scared but he showed no fear he gave a slight smile to you. Youre lucky you could tell from your vision getting blury from the blood loss to your left sides wound you couldnt fight it you didnt try you fainted eventually. You heard multiple voices other than the man that was with you it was just black and silent for sometime with small noises every so often. After awhile you found yourself waking up your vision clearing you looked over to see the man washing his hands he noticed me and smiled "ah theres my lost a bit of blood but no worries youll be right as rain in no time...". I couldnt help but give a weak smile.

You attempted sitting up on your own the man quickly walked over to aid you "easy now miss dont want you hurting yourself mo-" "Y/N" "hm?" He tilted his head "Y/N is my name...and yours my rescuer?" He smiled warmly again "Elliot Spencer" you smiled at that but your flashback was interrupted by a knock at the door. "Great..." You get up and try to make it look like you didnt just roll out of bed.

It was a friend of Elliots "oh good Y/N your home...i have some bad news..." You looked at him confused "Elliots gone missing Y/N everyones doing what they can to find him". your eyes widened "h-he might still be alive right?" You asked "its possible oh and he left this with a idea whats inside i gotta run but...take care." "uhm..thanks" you close the door slowly behind you opening the note "Y/N this device is mysterious it beckons me to discover its power i wonder what secrets itll tell" you read aloud choking up a bit at the thought of him being dead your only friend.

And you opened a small black velvet bag to reveal a wooden cube with golden details all over it "a puzzlebox? To bad you cant tell where Elliot is...please be alive" you could feel that Elliot was alive but something felt different about his aura you could sense it. This puzzlebox you held may be your answer to finding him.

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