Not just a puzzle

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Later that afternoon you sat on your couch but glanced over at the puzzlebox on an end table by a chair "i...dont remember putting that there...". You get up to grab it you feel chills rush up your spine something didnt feel right suddenly you heard your whole house creaking. It was an old house so you shrugged it off thinking it was the wind you took the puzzlebox back to the couch examining it tracing along its golden patterns. You stopped to hear clicking as you traced along a circle on the boxs pattern your interest was peaked. You thought to yourself what this thing would do if you managed to figure it out suddenly parts of it shifted each time you pressed something on it. "Alright Elliot why did you leave this for me?...please let it guide me to you im not ready to lose you" suddenly the house began to creak and lights began to flash.

You looked around as things began to fall off shelves glass was shattering you tried to remain calm with this you stood up to carefully get to the front door. You had reached the door but chains rapidly began to criss cross over the door you jumped back and heard walls crumbling you turned to where the bathroom door was a bright light blocking you from seeing what was inside. "Desire isn't was summons us...sadness summoned us" you see what looked like to be a female...demon? Pale and bald it what looked like a long leather dress you assume the voice came from her. "W-who a-are you?" You ask "hmh...silly human we are demons to some angels to others" you glared slightly at her (forgive me for using the demons line) "why do you call for us?" A lower accented voice speaks. "I-i was hoping this would help me find my friend..." A tall man come out of the bright opening with pins in his head and dark eyes that were oddly beautiful. "Trust me child whoever your friend was is long gone" you looked down at the floor teary eyed. The male spoke again "tears? Oh no tears please it is a waste of a good suffering" (so sorry) the female spoke again "clearly she isnt giving us the one who escaped us are we taking her?".

You decide to hold out a picture of Elliot "this...this is him...he saved me from being hunted by other humans" you choked out. "Other humans? What do you mean? Arnt you human?" The tall one spoke "no..." You said quietly as your nails became black claws and your teeth sharp to a point and eyes a deep red lastly your black crow like wings unfolded out of thin air from behind you. "Shes a demon!" The female gasped. "That she is...child you may be non human but you have seen us and we must take you with us...we have no intent to harm you" you sighed "i have no reason to remain here..." You look up to see the tall man stride over to you to grab the box off the couch. "I hope you know this is not a toy child" you nod looking down at your feet suddenly an arm grabs your right on "you may be a demon like us but don't expect permanent kindness" said the female demon slightly annoyed at you.

Obediently you walked along side her to the bright opening you covered your eyes due to the blinding light suddenly the air around you became colder you shivered at the sudden embrace. Curious you wanted to turn back to see if the tall demon was following "child im right behind you both relax we haven't decided what to do with you...yet..." You gulped at yet. Holding back tears the female opened a door to the right of you three it was crooked and jagged but still wooden she shoved you inside a bedroom "till Pinhead decides what to do with you...remain here in his chambers" she closed the door not slamming it but close. Pinhead was his name? You thought you noticed he had a familiar aura about him but could pin it (sorry pun was intended guys) you looked around your new room there were some shades of grey trimming around objects the paintings and charcoal drawings were interesting morbid! But interesting. People being tortured and mangled skinned alive to hesitantly you sat on the edge of the large neatly made bed you touched the silk comforter underneath you it was a comforting feeling (heh). You sighed you hoped that maybe they would help you find Elliot slim chance a sudden realization occured "Cenobites!" You remembered the books Elliot had on these creatures and how they became their demon and it involved that box. "Holy shit...Elliot has to be one of these creatures...oh god..." You curled into a ball crying what if he doesn't remember me? you thought and tries to kill me.

That young demon seems so familiar those gorgeous E/C and that H/L H/C and those lips...her smile must kill. And the fact she wasn't afraid of us blows me away...maybe...i should make her feel more home i suppose. She has to be terrified deep down...wait why should i bloody care? I shouldn't...but something inside me tells me i should as i get up to wander to my room i was thinking what i should say to break the ice i believe the saying goes. As i reach my room i quietly knock wait its my room...i open the door to see her crying curled in a ball against the headboard. "Child? What ever is the matter?" she shot up her head and looked terrified "no no i wont harm you child what is the matter?" I take a seat on the edge of the bed looking at her with a gentle smile...i hope it was a gentle smile.

When his words reached my ears i wanted to cry even more his smile was kind i managed to say "i think my friend is one of you" "a cenobite?" He asked with a brow raised. "Y-yes..." I stuttered "i read about you creatures in one of his books it all has to do with that box you have". "Ah...what was your friends name my dear?" I think he's trying to befriend me "Elliot...Elliot Spencer" i smiled as i looked down at his picture of me and him on a bench under a tree two summers ago why i loved this picture so much i don't know. He held out his hand "may i?" Hesitantly i placed it in his hand he smiled a bit more "he must've made you very happy miss...?" "Y/N" " what is with those tears?" He gently begins to wipe them away with his thumb. "I don't think Elliot would want you crying now would he?" " he always would say a beautiful lady shouldn't cry over this... depending why i was crying"

"Im Pinhead by the way...figured you should know the stranger wiping your tears dear" Y/N smiled and nodded she felt comfortable with Pinhead little did she know what was so familiar about him and why she felt safe.
(Sorry personally i thought this chapter was meh but chapter three will happen soonish)

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