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"Elliot you are right i can help them from here, i-i accidentally did that for Jason he would've died if i hadn't...i could do it again for him o-or Penny either one..." You say with the gears turning in your head. Elliot sighs "but won't that drain you?" "Temporarily, just a couple days rest and I'll be fine or better than i was anyways" you say "love I'm not sure if that's a good idea right now..." Elliot hints "Elliot i need to help them they are my friends and  family i can't sit here and do nothing!" You shriek as you slam your fists into the floor and fire sparks from your fists. "Your father said not to worry, i think we should listen" Elliot says putting a hand on your back as you sigh "your right, you always are i should have more faith in my dad..." You say admittingly "he's stronger than i give him credit for" you add. Elliot chuckles "indeed you should my dear, how about i fix some earle gray and we relax just for a moment" he says sternly you sigh "fine" you replied sadly "don't worry love, they'll make it back i promise" he chuckles "you aren't the only demon you know?" He says with a smile. You smile looking at him "yet again you are right..." You say as he gets you to your feet "go sit down while i get the tea going" he suggests as he takes you to the couch leaving a kiss on your forehead "okay" you whisper. He smiles and nods before leaving "you know darling your idea isn't a bad one, but we should give them some time" he calls out "i know" you reply "i just don't want to lose them again" you say a little quietly "sorry love what was that?" He asks. "I said i don't want to lose them again" "ah" he replies taking a seat next to you "that would be a terrible thing, i know how much they mean to you considering how much you talked about them when we first met" he says with a soft smile you return that smile.

Meanwhile your Uncle and Man mom were patching your dad up "c'mon Fred don't you die on me" Penny growls as he dumps alcohol on your dads wound "gaah!" He cries "fuck you Penny..." He groans. "Back at ya pal, crap Y/N is gonna kill us..." He mutters that last bit to himself Jason shows up with more gauze "thanks Jason" he says "here's a sterile needle and thread" Angie says as her and the Female enter the room "thanks girls" he says taking those from them. "What do we tell Y/N? If he...you know...?" "Don't fucking think like that!" Penny snaps before going back to Freddy "sorry Pennywise, but you know how it works with him..." Female says pointing it out. "I know, just...please have some faith" he sighs "we will, but shouldn't we let Y/N we're alright?" Female asks "no! We don't get in touch until Freds a okay got it?" He says tensely Angie sighs "yes Pennywise, understood why so tense? You shouldn't be patching him up like that..." She states. "Because this pizza faced man means the world to that little girl" he says "she's already lost him too many times before it doesn't need to happen again" he says focusing in his task the all look the floor Jason places a note on the table Penny sighs and grabs it. "Jason i know that too, i know Freddy will come through i am just making dam sure he does" Jason writes another one quickly "Jason you were there when she lost Fred the first time" "what happened?" The Female asks. Penny takes off his gloves "Y/N was 8" he begins "when he died the first time she wasn't born yet, when he came back the first time he took her from her abusive mom killed her and raised Y/N in the boiler room at age 3 and Fred visited her in her dreams every night after he was burned alive" he says.

Both girls nodded Penny sighs "she grew really attached to him ever since she was able to process anything mentally, and when Fred told us about her Jason invited him to live at his and his moms they fixed up a cabin and added onto it and it looked pretty noice" he states. "And any and every moment she could be with him she would, and when she was eight was the first time she saw him die" he says biting his lip and looking at the floor "the heartbreak you could see in her eyes when it happened the ways she cried for Freds target to stop". He sighs "and when he wouldn't she went feral letting her demon side show for the first time ever, and ever since then i always remember her crying for Fred not to leave, her screaming, and we tried telling her he was going to come back but she didn't really believe in a 9 lives type of deal not even for herself" he sighs wiping his eyes. "I didn't think i could feel for a kid but fuck, when i saw her reaction i lost it i tried shielding her eyes calming her down but it just made it worse she slowly got used to it but looking in her eyes you can see how it truly effects her" he says shakily "christ didn't know it was that bad" Angie says putting a hand on his shoulder Jason awkwardly hugs him due to the height difference. He chuckles "thanks Jason" he says "Y-Y/N? Where's Y/N?" Freddy suddenly wheezes "hey pal" Penny whispers leaning down "i-is Y/N okay?" He asks again "yeah, yeah her and Elliot made it through the portal they're safe" "Pinhead!" Freddy gasps trying to sit up "ahh...fuck" Freddy groans "h-heya easy Fred, easy" Penny says getting him to lay back down. "H-he needs to die" Freddy breathes "Pinhead will die, we swear it" the Female says "hang in there Fred, you'll see your baby girl again" he reassures trying not to cry Freddy smiles faintly "thank you" he whispers before dozing off again.

"Elliot?" You say curious "yes my darling?" He says as he sits with a tea tray "did i ever tell you..." You sigh "the uhh first time  i witnessed my Dad die?" You ask him holding back tears already. "Uhh...oh...no,no no you never told me that love your Father warned me not to bring it up long ago" he says "sugar? Lemon?" He asks "lemon and honey please" you reply he smiles doing so to your tea. "Do you care to tell me?" He asks "yes, i feel you should know fully why I'm upset" you say "alright darling, but if you start feeling overwhelmed stop alright?" He states sternly "alright Elliot" you say and you take a breath. "I was 8 years old the first time i saw him die, his victim got second wind and he struck back" you bite your lip and gulp "and kept striking, over and over and over again Uncle Penny and Jason were holding be back trying to hide my eyes and keep me away" you say "some of his blood even got on me, and finally i snapped going demon for the first time ever that's how we found out i was half demon too" you say smiling a little. "I shredded the victim there was hardly anything left when i was done" Elliot smiles a little in a "that's my girl" kind of way "and back then i didn't know the meaning of immortality i didn't think extra chances were a thing" you kinda laugh at yourself. "I hadn't experienced loss, i couldn't even explain to you how i felt in that moment" you say "and there's no need to explain, it was clear how you felt" he says holding your chin "and that's okay, how you felt it's natural for that situation" he adds. You sigh "even after i had experienced losing him a few times it still...just by looking in my eyes most likely you could see how i truly was feeling it still hurts every single time" you say he sighs "i know, it must've been how you felt when you thought i died" he says "yes" you reply "but the love i feel with you is different" you whisper "why is that love?" He asks setting your teas aside and then taking your hands. "Because, the love i feel with you is a love that let's me know my family's not crazy when thinking I'm amazing" you giggle making him laugh "who know love, i may have been crazy before you met me" he teases. "I love you Elliot" you whisper putting your forehead to his "i love you too Y/N, with all my heart i will love you till the end of time" he says smiling "now...lets figure out a plan" he says which makes you look up wide eyed and smiling.

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