I Hate You, I Love You Too

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You didn't expect Elliot to take charge like he did last night definitely unlike him but you didn't complain in the slightest. Elliot had no idea what came over him he woke up feeling hungover in a way where as you were still asleep on top of him he smiled slightly and gently moved you to beside him. You rolled over and pulled the covers over you he chuckles "darling it is morning, best you do wake up" he says searching for his clothes you opened your eyes slightly and only looked around. "Ugh...can i not?" You complain sitting up holding the blanket against you "well, aren't you hungry?" He asks calmly you sigh "well yes but..." "No buts" he says "it's nearly 11:00 am, you'll live" he teases. You get up letting the blanket fall and showing some things bruises with his fingerprints on your hips, bite marks along your neck, and some red tainted flesh. Elliot cringes when he sees this "darling was i too rough on you?" He asks concerned "no, not in the slightest though it was different from the past experiences you and i share" you tell him as you get dressed. He sighs "all of that looks incredibly painful..." He says tucking in his shirt "I'll be fine Elliot" "what if your Father asks?" He says terrified that making you giggle "he'll probably know what happened because i wasn't covered in marks yesterday" Elliot bites his lip. "Do they hurt though?" He asks "no, well only a little" you tell him not all that concerned unlike him "i really don't want your father after me..." He says "Elliot Spencer would you relax?" You tell him getting annoyed. "Alright I'll stop, come on let's get breakfast darling" he says as you both finish getting dressed he comes over and kisses your cheek you nod and follow him downstairs. P.J. was at the stove making pancakes "morning cous" you say with a yawn he turns slightly and smiles "morning Y/N/N" he greets going back to the food "mornin niece of mine" Penny greets entering the kitchen. "Morning Uncle" you reply getting your coffee "sleep well?" He asks as you sigh "yes, for the first time i a few weeks I've actually slept" you reply.

He nods "and you Elliot?" He asks "how are the wounds?" He adds "oh much better for sure, I'm just glad to be back home with Y/N" he replies before kissing your cheek. "Good, I'm glad to see the both of you happy especially my niece" he says getting himself some coffee "your dad ain't up yet?" Penny asks "nope, might as well let him sleep" you say Penny nods in agreement. "Love can i talk you into going and grabbing my tie? I must've forgotten it upstairs" you nod "sure Elliot, I don't mind" you say before kissing him then leaving Penny looks at Elliot smugly. "What?" Elliot asks confused "i take it she said yes?" He asks trying to hide his smile Elliot goes wide eyed "u-uhm, what all did you hear?" Penny laughs. "Only her callin you master...among a few other things..." he snickers Elliot tries to ignore him while sipping his coffee "Freddy heard her too" Penny adds making Elliot spit take his coffee "shit..." He breathes. Meanwhile you couldn't find Elliot's tie, usually when he asked for you to grab a tie it was his black tie so that's what you were searching for and no sign. You huff and stop in front of the long mirror in the bedroom with a sigh "such a pointless task, he has it with him he wanted to surprise everyone with the news" you gasp and look up to see Pinhead "behind" you. "No, go away you're not really there" you say to yourself covering your eyes "you aren't here" you repeat as Pinhead puts a hand on your hip and whispers "i am here, you can't escape me even if you wanted too" you cringe feeling his breath on your neck. "Get. OUT!" You screech making the house shake and the mirror shattered and Pinhead gone with it P.J. ran upstairs to find you curled in a ball on the floor and broken glass around you. "Oh geez..." P.J. sighs kneeling beside you "Y/N? Hey, are you okay?" He whispers you just nod while fighting the urge to cry he sighs and helps you up Elliot and Penny arrive in the doorway too. "Darling? Is everything alright?" He asks you just nod and brush passed all of them and head for the stairs "hey, gumdrop wait up..." Penny grabs your arm which makes you freeze. "H-he was here..." You start "who? Pinhead?" He asks making you look at him you nod "was that why the mirror was broken?" He asks you nod "he was here...but not a-and it felt so real" you say starting to break down. "Boys, take her downstairs I'm going to clean up the glass" Penny says as Elliot nods and takes you downstairs with P.J. "darling it's alright, he's gone" "for now" you add he sighs "such a pain..." He teases "have a little bit of optimism would you?" He asks you smile slightly "never, just to frustrate you Elliot" you say heading back to the kitchen.

P.J. finished dishing you two up and you were quiet during breakfast then went upstairs afterwards and after Penny cleaned up the glass of course and you were going to get out of your pajamas. Shakily you dug through your dresser you still felt Pinhead was with you "go away, please..." You say to yourself and him trying not to cry "but why would i want to do that? When i haven't gotten what i WANT yet..." Pinhead says stepping behind you. "Why?...why did you have to use me?" You say starting to cry "i hate you" you growl with fire starting to form around your hands "i love you too" he replies leaning down to your level and leaving a kiss on your neck. A few tears fall "i told you everything about my past i trusted you..." You say in a demonic sounding voice and fire burns brighter around your hands. "You never were supposed to find Elliot, nor anyone was to supposed to aid you in your search" he replies flatly "but it doesn't mean I can't take you..." He says before quickly pulling you into his grasp and covering your mouth before you can react disappearing with you. Elliot instantly came to check on you after 10 minutes and ran back downstairs telling everyone you were just gone they began searching the bedroom for a clue what Freddy found he knew what it meant. A faded polaroid picture of a familiar and old boiler room he sighed and held it up to Jason he facepalmed The Springwood Slasher was paying his hometown a visit sooner than he'd like.

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