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"D-dad it felt so real" you whine he sighs "yet again it was still only a dream Princess, there's no way Pinhead could've done that he doesn't have that power like i do" he says so sure of it. "Dad I'm telling you i smelled the blood it almost burned, and Jason's head fucking blinked!" You cry "sweetheart calm down, and mind your fucking language" he winks making you smile a little. You sniffle "Dad I'm really scared i do not want to experience that again EVER" he nods "i can imagine Y/N, don't worry I'll watch over your dreams tonight" you smile. "Thanks dad, I really missed you" he smiles "i missed you too, so did Jason and Penny we were grateful Elliot wanted our help because we knew we'd get to see you" you curl up next to your dad and sigh. "I missed all of you, when you had to go back I did not think I'd get to see you for even longer than it had been to this point" he smiles "well when an Angel needs a Demons help they can't really refuse" he wraps an arm around you. "Look, everyone's probably worried wondering what happened at least let them see you and we'll come back here or go back to your room" you nod but still remain curled up with him. "Not yet Dad, I don't think i can be around Pinhead right now..." He nods "okay, that's fine by me princess" he says rubbing your arm "i hope we get to Elliot before Pinhead does..." You whisper "me too Y/N, and we will nothing can stop us" he reassures you. You smile a little "you're right, god that crying drained me" you groan "go back to sleep, I'll be right here and I'll make sure nothing happens" you nod as your falling asleep. Once you're out cold Freddy picks up the book you were reading off the floor "dream magic for beginners..." He whispers "No, did she do this to herself?" He hears a chuckle "no she did not Frederick" he looks up glaring "you are trying to take him from her aren't you?" He growls.

Pinhead rolls his eyes "finally you catch on Frederick, believe me i do love your daughter but i won't let some angelic soul steal her from me" he sighs "i have not felt this way in a long time and he won't ruin it neither will you" he says as Freddy lays you in the chair and stands up facing Pinhead. "Give me your best shot bitch" he chuckles "oh Frederick i cannot get your daughter suspicious of me, she just has to think I'm her loving partner which i am of course I'll deal with you once Elliot's dealt with..." He says disappeared into the dark hall that exits the library. "Fuck i need to warn the others, and Elliot but i can't leave her alone here..." He sighs "Freddy, you won't have to" Angelique says entering the room "I'll watch her so you can warn them" Freddy smiles a little and nods. "Thanks your majesty" he says leaving as Angie sits beside you on the floor "don't worry Y/N, he doesn't know we've found him oh i can't wait for you to wake up" she whispers as she sighs "Pinhead will get what he deserves" "indeed he will" Elliot says as he enters the room. "I can't believe I'm back, what will happen once Pinhead finds out I'm here?" He asks kneeling down in front of your sleeping form "well you sort of have an army behind you Captain Spencer" Angie says smiling a little. "You know you could wake her up if you like..." She hints "oh after what her father just told me I'd say she needs her sleep..." He says smiling down at you "but it is not the worst idea I've heard..." He says. "Y/N?" He whispers "love wake up" you don't shift even a little "Y/N, darling please wake up" he says and you adjust yourself on the chair just a little and he smiles "Y/N/N?" You groan a little and roll over facing away from him he huffs.

"Stubborn girl..." He mumbles Angie giggles but then you start to toss and turn "hm?" Elliot says but then you grow to start thrashing around and smack Elliot "Y/N!?, Y/N!" He shouts Angie tries to grab you Elliot does the same and manages to grab your wrists "Y/N!, Wake up!" He shouts causing you to jolt awake with tears trailing down your cheeks and you trembling violently. Your eyes wide but not due to the nightmare this time "Elliot?" You whisper he nods with a slight smile you quickly cling to him hiding your face sobbing into his shoulder. "Hush now, it's alright Y/N I'm here it's okay" he says holding you "this is another dream isn't it?" You mumble he chuckles "no, i am really right here with you my love" you look up and instantly kiss him, he is shocked but returns your love. "It really is you, but how? I-i thought..." "Your Uncles found me locked inside a trunk in a bottle that was enchanted" you look away "he really was going to kill you..." You whisper "ah but he won't, so long as i stick by you like glue he won't get me alone to do it" he says so positive that is how it'll go. You nod and quickly kiss him "I'm so glad you're back Elliot" he smiles "me too" he says taking your hands "Elliot, your here" Pinhead says entering the room with everyone. You cling to his arm "yes i am, don't worry I'm not taking her from you but she still is my girl too" he says running his fingers through your hair. You smile and lean on him still wanting to cry but if happiness "so darling care to show me around?" He asks you nod "I'd love too" you reply but before leaving the room you gesture for Pinhead to lean down and give him a small kiss before leaving with Elliot. "Do you miss the old house?" He asks you sigh "yes but i have grown fond of feels like I've been here longer than i have though" he nods "it does makes sense, part of me feels like i never left" he says you sigh "that's probably the Pinhead part of you" you say sadly.

"But I'm here, isn't that what you've wanted? Me back in your arms?" He asks "well yes believe me i hardly slept when i never got a letter from you, then one of your research friends brought me that box with the note you left" you say gripping his hand. "I knew it was going to be some discovery but i didn't expect it to take me away from you Y/N" he says stopping in the hallway taking your hands "and i won't let HIM take me away from you" he adds smiling a little you sigh "I'm terrified Elliot, fucking scared he is a powerful bastard" you say getting pissy. "Darling calm down, so are you and your entire family I think you could take him" he chuckles "come on show me around already" he says nudging you making you smile just a little "oh alright fine, let's go" you say taking him on a tour for real this time meanwhile your Father and Pinhead weren't getting along. "Look we hate humans as much as you do Dickhead, but Elliot makes Y/N happy and I'll be dammed if I'm going to let you take him away from her" Freddy says with his right hand twitching, dying to slash something "that Angel soul doesn't deserve her love she is a demon that needs to be worshipped and I'm the one to give it to her" Pinhead growls holding the box tightly. "That's it, you've gone overboard pal time to meet your maker" Pinhead chuckles "oh bring it on Fred, you can't beat me no matter how much fear fuels you" he says beginning to turn the box pieces. You and Elliot got a little sidetracked and decided to enjoy each other's company, as he attacks your neck you bite your lip not wanting to give him the satisfaction he smirks and looks up at you then your Uncle Pennywise crashes into the room covered in blood. "U-uncle Penny? What's wrong? Who's blood is that?!" You cry "it's your dad kiddo, you need to see this" he says wide eyed you and Elliot start running following him to the large living room and see your dad bleeding as Jason is aiding him to sit up. "Dad!" You cry out rushing to his side "Dad what happened?" You ask trying not to cry "that f-ucker Pinhead... he's coming for Elliot you two need to get out of here" he wheezes out. "D-dad let me help i-i ca-" "no" he says "just escape, I'll be fine we'll all be at the old house once you get there i promise but he's coming" he adds "but dad i can fight" you say stubbornly "sweetheart you need to protect Elliot just go". "We got the gateway open, Y/N Elliot you need to go now!" Female cries Elliot grabs you and brings you to it "oh no you don't!" Pinhead shouts from across the room you jump and book it through the portal as does Elliot leaving your family behind. "Y/N, we're home" Elliot breathes out "i-i n-eed to go b-ack" you stutter "Y/N no it would be suicidal to do that, they can handle him unless you can help them from here?" He suggests then it clicked you were going to help your family and Elliot but staying on earth with Elliot.

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