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Your were glad you were getting Elliot back. But afraid if you'd have to choose between Elliot and Pinhead at some point. You didn't want it to come to that. Pinhead knew something had been eating at you lately but you didn't dare tell him Elliot told him what may be wrong and to push you a little to tell him. So lately he had been trying you were dodging the question like a pro and he didn't want to upset you neither of them did. Currently you getting into bed Pinhead was in the bathroom you could hear him whistling you laughed a little he came out in a black sweater and silk black pj pants. He smiled but sighed "darling i notice you've been off lately...care to tell me what is the matter?" You pull the blankets onto you "nothing love I'm fine...really" he rolls his eyes "me and Elliot can tell something is wrong" you sigh. "I just...if a moment comes where i have to choose between you two i-i don't know what i would do without either of you" he smiles kindly "Elliot says that won't happen and tomorrow if it's the day we find his soul and you touch it he'll be here in his own form". He sits next to you and places his hand against your cheek "everything will be fine my love...trust me" placing  a kiss on your forehead you smile "are you ever not sweet?" He chuckles "before i met you i wouldn't have cared for any living creature...you changed that...". You smile "how do the others feel about you being this soft?" He glares "it's none of their concern my feelings for you..." You giggle "you don't want to admit it to them do you?"  He sighs "go to bed".

You giggle "aww you do care about them don't you?!" He places a hand over your mouth "hush" you keep giggling he glares at you again. A muffled "make me" escapes your lips he raises and eyebrow "oh do you really want to challenge me?" Hesitantly you nod causing him to smirk. His hand travels away from your lips and down to your side you stiffen as his other hand moves to your other side "nononono!" You try prying off his hands since he won't budge your doomed to be tickled letting out and excited squeel. "No! P-pinhead stop! Stop it! Hahano!" He chuckles "you shouldn't have said anything and i will not stop" "please! I-ill do anything! Stop!" He pauses "anything? Hmm?" You nod trying to breath "yes!... anything...to end this..." He is hesitate but gives. "Alright I'll stop darling if...and only if you tell the truth to my question" you nod "y-yeah okay what is it?" "Have you been dreaming about me and Elliot having you?" Your face gets a terrible shade of red "N-no! Why would i ever dream of that?!" He smirks "you're a terrible liar Y/N". "I-i am not lying! Elliot is way to sweet and innocent for something like that!" He chuckles "Elliot and i basically have the same mind, i know what he thinks and when he thinks it" you sigh "i do not think of that type of thing at all Pinhead" he rolls his dark eyes "fine, i still think you're hiding something but we should rest my love". You nod "probably best if we're going to be searching tomorrow" he lays down pulling you down onto him you snuggle up close making him smile. You pull the covers up over you two and begin drifting off hoping your dreams are pleasant and not what they have been.

Once you had drifted off you woke up in Elliots old room confused you sat up looking around. "Why am i here?" You whisper "E-elliot? Where are you?" Getting out of the bed the door slowly opens you see a shadow move out of sight "Elliot?" Your heart beginning to pound. You walk out looking around then your eyes landing on the staircase seeing a silhouette of a man you think. "Hey!" He looks up then runs down the stairs "wait! Why am i here?!" You follow and go down the stairs then you slow your pace as you here voices "please Frederick i know you are not fond of helping my counterpart she needs us both" you hear a sigh "i always did like you Elliot, I'll help....for my little girl". Your eyes widened that couldn't be "Oh thank you Frederick i owe you one" "yeah yeah you'll owe me a lot more than one, god it's  been so long since I've seen her what if she resents me?" You step closer and peer into the door seeing your dad in the burned flesh. "Dad" You whisper both men turn around "you jump and step back "Y/N?" You faintly see a red and green striped sweater "Dad?" He nods "that's me sweetheart...how ya been?" Your eyes widen and you faint. Faintly hearing voices every so often, you still felt that you were in a dream and you were because you heard your dads voice slowly you begin waking up and instantly you sit up in panic mode. "Hey baby girl relax, it's just me" you look to your left to see your dad "Dad!" You quickly pulled him into a hug "I can't believe it's you...wait where's Elliot? H-he was with you right?" He nods. "I sure was love" you whip around "Elliot!" He takes your little hands in his with a smile "hello darling" he places a kiss on your forehead "D-dad are you helping us?" He nods but doesn't look happy "i am princess, but... there's some bad news we found out".

You look back and forth between them both "what? Is something wrong?" Elliot sighs "Pinhead has plans to kill me....once i come back my time will be short" your eyes begin to water. "N-no, he wouldn't....would he?" Freddy sighs "he would princess, I'm sorry but he may love you but hates Elliot with a passion he doesn't want his angel part anywhere near you" you begin to cry "why? Why would he want to hurt me like that?" . Your dad sighs "we don't know but were getting a few of your uncles to help us, Pinhead is one powerful demon more than your Uncle Penny" Elliot wraps an arm around you "I summoned your father for his aid, i know you don't want to lose either of us we may have to lock him up not kill but lock away" you sigh. "I knew it was to good to be true, i knew it! I should've trusted my gut...what do we do? I-i still love him...." Your dad sighs "i know princess, just keep being yourself don't let him know anything of this plan okay?" You nod "okay dad..." You hug him and he holds you close. "For now you need to rest princess..." You look up to him he kisses your forehead and you feel dizzy "Ell...Elliot..." You felt him catch you and you wake up in the middle of the night feeling numb. Looking to see Pinhead still asleep next to you you smile slightly but immidiatly feel sadness quietly you slip out of the bedroom panicking internally. You decided to walk around to calm yourself hoping the others were asleep but suddenly slender arms pull you into a room whipping around only to see it was the female cennobite. "O-oh it's you, i thought everyone else would be asleep" she sighs "i know what Pinhead plans once you find Elliot, and i wish to help he has no right to kill your first love" you sigh. "You know? How do i know you can trust you?" She gives you a "really?" Look "okay okay fair point, how do we prevent him from killing Elliot?" She sighs "i do not know, do you?" You shrug "well, i spoke with my father and Elliot they said they have a plan but they didn't tell me".

She nods "alright well, perhaps we may get the queen to help us" you raise a brow "A-angelique? What makes you think she'll help?" She sighs "Y/N we don't have much of a choice but it never hurts to ask". She goes to her desk and begins writing a letter in human blood and you sit on her bed petting her mini chatterer beast you smile slightly. "Alright" she says as she stands and goes to her mirror whispers something then tosses it into the mirror and it disappears "Y/N you should be getting back to your room.... I'll let you know if i hear from her" you nod and get up. "Thank you...you really are a great friend" she smiles as you leave and you scurry back to the bedroom to see he is still resting a sigh of relief escapes your lips as you crawl into the bed. You feel his weight shift and his arms wrap around you, you listen closely and smile hes sleep talking! "Y-y/N...god yes..." You blush terribly and shift a little you stiffen when he growls "Y/N is mine...y-you pathetic angel...." You got a little pissed. "Oh my dear..." You stiffen hoping he didn't hear you growl "don't be so sad, it makes my heart ache...." You began dozing back to sleep not hearing the rest of what he said. Hoping the Queen willingly helps you and gets back to you and the female cennobite soon, but now you're worried about your dad getting hurt.

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