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"Dammit where is that boy?" Penny groans to himself "where's who?" Angie asks confused "my son, i was going to send him to Y/N to let her know we're okay" he says "you know she'll ask about Frederick first thing right?" Angie states he sighs. "I know, i know it all to well she's going to ask but maybe my boy can get her mind off him giving us some time" he says "Papa?" He says entering the room "eyy how's it going junior?" He asks his son "oh I'm just fine, is cousin Y/N okay?" He asks "shes... fine but mentally I can't say will you go check on her? Let her know we are all okay" he says. "Of course, should i return afterwards?" He asks "ehh wait till one of us gets ahold of you, never know who he'll strike first" he says with a sigh "don't worry I'll help my cousin the best i can" he says before leaving. Meanwhile you and Elliot fell asleep shortly after tea and you weren't dreaming of anything it was just black and quiet kinda nice really but you were trying to make some sort of dream happen even if it was just you and Elliot, you'd love that. You roll over on your side and suddenly see...your Dad's boiler room world? Odd you were only ever in here in your sleep if you were in trouble  "D-dad?" You call "Papa?" You call looking around the boiler room. "Hey sweetheart" he says stepping out of the shadows beaten "Dad!" You cry running to him clinging tightly "a-ah...oww easy Princess..." He groans "shit! Sorry Dad..." You reply "where are all of you? Are you all alright?" You ask panicked. "Yes, yes we're all fine i promise" "i thought i was going to lose you again..." You say starting to cry "oh hey now, none of that" he says pulling you into his arms "don't say that, I'm not leaving you again" he says in attempt to calm you. "I need you to wake up sweetheart" he says "n-no, I don't want to leave you..." You whine clinging to him "we've sent some help in case Pinhead reaches you before we do" he says with a small smile "really? Wh-who?" You ask "you'll see when you wake up, i love you so much Y/N" he says before flicking his wrist and you are back in reality.

With a gasp you jolt up from your slumber only to see P.J. half a foot away "P.J.?" You whisper as he gives a small smile "holy shit..." You breathe getting up and hugging him tightly "hello Y/N darling" he says kissing your cheek. "Our Dads sent you huh?" You ask he sighs and nods "yep indeed" he replies "a-are they really Okay?" You ask "neither of our Dads would tell me if they were in trouble" you sigh he chuckles "indeedy they are all peachy and your Father sends his love" he says with a soft smile you wipe your eyes. "I don't want to lose him again P.J. it hurts worse every time" you whine "i know sweetness" he says taking your hands "believe me he wanted to be here Y/N he's still hurt but so close to being here" he says. You hide your face against his chest sobbing he sighs wrapping his arms around you tightly, P.J. has had to deal with this many times growing up with you he was kinda your Therapy Clown if Jason wasn't with you or couldn't be there with you. But over the years P.J. seeing you cry made him want to cry "Y/N please..." He whines "it pains me to see you like this dear cousin..." He mutters you sniff and pull away "s-sorry P.J. i ju-..." "Shh, it'll be alright you don't need to apologise Y/N" he says still holding you. "Darling? Is everything alright?" Elliot yawns stretching as he sits up "y-yes my love, I'm fine but uhh this is my Cousin P.J. Uncle Penny's son" you say with a small smile "son?" He questions. You both nod "you must be Elliot?" P.J. asks "yes young man, Captain Elliot Spencer" he says proud of himself "well you better be taking care of my Cousin, she means the world to me" he says holding you and holding you up against him.

"Oh i assure you she is in excellent hands" you say before Elliot can open his mouth Elliot chuckles "yes, what she said seems to be about dinner time however shall i get something going?" Elliot asks the two of you. "Sure I'd love some dinner" P.J. says "want help Elliot?" You ask "oh no I'll be fine, you two just relax" he says before kissing your cheek then leaving to the kitchen you blush a little "you were staring at his rear weren't you?" P.J. says facepalming. "And? I believe you did the same to my dad several years ago and drooled" you smirk he freezes "th-that was on accident!" He protests "cous, it was no accident me and Jason both saw the look you gave his ass" you point out he sighs "remind me why i put up with you?" He retorically asks "because you love me!" You chirp. "THAT is definitely not it..." He chuckles hugging you again you smile but whip around to the direction of the kitchen after hearing a crash and clang "Elliot? Love are you alright?" You call as you and P.J. step closer. "Captain Spencer?" P.J. calls once officially entering the Kitchen you gasp to see Pinhead holding Elliot by the throat you instantly go and attempt to truck Pinhead to the side but he was quicker to backhand you and make you go flying and slam into P.J. "B-bastard!" Elliot growls "you're the only Bastard around here, such a burden on my poor girl" Pinhead growls before disappearing along with Elliot. "Oh god dam..." P.J. groans a few minutes later "Y/N?, Y/N/N?" He calls "Y/N?!, dad is so going to kill me" he groans picking you up and taking you to the living room and hoists you on the couch. "Oh hell, i need to get my Dad and the others..." He says "dam! I can't leave her alone..." He facepalmed "wait!" He gasped "I'm magic, duh" so quickly he teleported away to warn them but leaving you alone and unconscious who knows what will happen.

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