Shattering Hope

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"You left her alone!?" Pennywise shouted while holding P.J. by the throat "gack! didnt want...metobringherhere" he wheezed to his Father. He sighs "dammit i did say that didn't i..." He admits letting go of P.J. "she got knocked unconscious by Pinhead, flew into me and i went out for maybe a few minutes Papa she's still breathing if that's what you're wondering" P.J. says annoyed. "But she's alright?" Pennywise asks calmly "yes" he replied "maybe...we should bring her here...?" Penny hesitantly asks "together we would be stronger" Angelique says walking in "your majesty" P.J. says smiling a little "good thing you are on our side" he says to her. "Pinhead will hurt her like he hurt me, and I'll be dammed if i let him succeed" she says "Pennywise perhaps you and Jason should go together"she suggests "I'll grab Hockey mask before i dip" Penny says leaving the room Angie sighs "your father worry a lot?" P.J. sighs "yes i assume he told you?" He asks she nods with an "oh yeah" expression. "He's been there for her through a lot, as have i Y/N she means a lot to us all" he admits "so I've gathered" Angie says "Y/N is basically my little sister, i never really knew much about affection until she came along she was so cute and short i just wanted to keep her in my pocket" Angie giggles "i can see that..." She agrees. "But your father got defensive over her earlier..." She adds P.J. sighs "yes he's done that a lot too" he groans Angie giggles "i can see why she loves you though, i can tell you love her too" Angie smiles "she's lucky to have you as part of her family" Angie adds with a sigh. "Uh how is her Papa by the way?" He hesitantly asks "in and out of consciousness, we got the bleeding to cease, and he's still breathing that's better than what could've happened to him "then Y/N would go into a deep depression" P.J. and her they nod at each other.

Meanwhile, Elliot was in chains against the wall with a black eye and a split lip and a cut across his cheek with his breathing being sharp and jagged but Elliot wasn't about to give up on life just yet. "You'll kill her..." Elliot wheezed to Pinhead as he just chuckles at the poor fool "me kill her? Oh nonono you we're killing her letting her heart ache like that, i mended her back together if anything she is my girl now" he says sickly sweet. "Believe me Captain Spencer i will take good care of her, i plan on giving her a life that such a goddess deserves and as long as she worships me I'll do whatever she would want" he says with a happy sigh "y-you are a danger to her and yourself Pinhead" Elliot says with a wince of pain. "If I'm a danger to myself i must be a danger to you then?" He asks with a smirks before delivering a punch to Elliots gut "gah!, Y-you Bastard...." He groans "she'll never be yours" he wheezes before hanging his head looking at the floor at the drops of his blood that have been spilled. "How she loved you i simply don't see it, but it's about time to pay her a visit" he says "giving her sweet dreams as the saying goes" he says "what?" Elliot gasps "no! Leave her alone! Not her dreams!" He cries "you'll create fucking nightmares for her!" He growls. "Nightmares? No, just loving dreams where i win her heart" Pinhead replies before vanishing Elliot tries to struggle against his chains he can't let this happen.

You weren't dreaming of much just a memory you cherish, Elliot was patching you up for the third time some creep was hitting on you and you beat the tar out of him getting a few good cuts and scrapes yourself. You nearly gave him a heart attack again like the times before he was scowling you like a parent to a child "Y/N you need to stop beating up brutes that look at you funny" he says trying not to raise his voice. "He was hitting on me, the fucker deserved it" you say looking away from Elliot "he could've killed you" Elliot defends "i almost killed him" you reply he sighs "you must've been one reckless child..." He says under his breath. "I get it from my dad" you say "oh? He was just as bad?" Elliot asks "yes" you reply sweetly he sighs again "there, I'm finished for the third time" he groans before turning away to wash his hands. "I'm sorry i made you worry Elliot..." You say almost annoyed "it's alright, you just need to be more careful i care about you a lot Y/N my first true friend in a long time" he says facing you again you tilt your head to the side "Elliot you know that's a lie, i can practically smell how you feel about me and as a friend is not it" you tell him. "Wh-what? How else would i feel about you? You are the first person that's understood me in a very long time" he defends "true but you have a stronger love for me" you say sliding off the counter. "What do you mean?" He tries keeping cool "you love me" you tell him "and i love you too, I've been on my own for so long so alone" you say standing right in front of him. "How do i know you are not being a typical demon?" He questions "this is how" you say before you grabbed his shirt collar pulling him into a kiss then the memory faded and you were alone looking up at a starry sky in the grass by a river near the old house.

You sighed sitting there "Dad i need you, I can't do this alone I'm scared" you whisper to yourself "I'm right here princess" you whip your head around and gasp "dad!" You cry quickly getting up and running to him clinging for dear life. "Hey it's okay Y/N" he says holding you close "I'm right here princess" he adds "Dad Pinhead took Elliot..." You say sadly "yes...your Uncle Penny told me P.J. arrived and told him" he informs you. "Where's the puzzlebox? Is it with you Y/N?" He asks curious "uhh yeah, it's with me in the real world" you reply honestly "good, at least it's safe from Pinhead sorry still a little off princess" you nod "it's okay, does everything still hurt?" You ask him. "No I'm doing a lot better" he responds "good, then this won't hurt near as much as it should" you say as he looks at you confused before grasping his neck tightly and pulling him to your level making him reveal it was Pinhead the entire time. "Gack! did...youknow?" He chokes out "one thing you don't ever do is fuck with my Dad because if you do you are fucking with me too" you growl before shoving him away and he vanishes to the real world he jolts awake in his bed and rubs his neck. He gets up going to the mirror in his room pulling down his color and his eyes widen seeing the small fingerprints you definitely left.

You jolt awake only to find you are not in Elliot's anymore "the fuck? Where am i now?" You groan "with us, who else?" "Uncle Penny!" You get up and run to him "where's my dad? Is he okay?" You ask panicked. "Relax gumdrop he's resting right now you'll get to see him soon" he responds "please can i see him now? After all that's happened i just want to see him" he sighs "relax Penny let the girl see her dad" Freddy says walking into the room with a cane. "Dad..." You let out a sigh of relief and hug him he does the same to you "Dad Pinhead entered my dreams, pretend to be you" you say looking up at him "what? Dam so that book was his..." "Don't worry i shoved him out of my dream like you taught me" you say proud of yourself he chuckles. "Dads little brute" he sighs holding a hand to your cheek "did he mention Elliot at all?" You sigh "no, but all's i can feel is Elliot's pain he's being tortured is what i can tell" you say saddened. "Hey now be a little bit positive sweetheart, you know Elliot wouldn't leave for good without saying goodbye" he reassures you "aren't i right?" He asks you you sigh "yes, i suppose you are Dad" you sigh again. You hug your Dad again hiding your face against his chest "why don't you go get some more rest Y/N? And this time i will be watching over your dreams" he says guiding you up a staircase as you nod "okay" you reply "wait is P.J. okay?" You ask concerned "yep he's up in his room right now" he replies calmly you nod and continue walking hopefully Elliot can join you in your dreams maybe you can help him then?.

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