chapter 1

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It was a beautiful silver snowy day in the city of London. It was a chilly day; here we see a woman named Maria with her husband named Rushton. They were shooting in the studio. The studio was warm, had the beautiful flash of the lights, camera, there were many actors, actresses, superstars, fans, and photographers.

That day Maria was feeling very uneasy in her body. She fainted and was imdelay Transferred to the nearest hospital. Lucky there was only one doctor available, she was wearing dark jeans pink tank top a doctor's coat with her name was Elena

After some test, Maria came out. Rushton gave his wife a tight hug with their son dick in his hands.

Alena called them inside a room and said ''congrats you are going to have another kid Mr. and Mrs. William'' ''what the' 'Maria said that because she was so shocked to even Rushton was shocked and said ''no way'' Alena said ''yes way'' ''so am I going to get another little brother or sister mommy?'' dick asked sweetly Maria looked at her son and then turned to Alena and said ''I would like to abort my useless kid''

Alena said ''you can't unless you have some problem with your body or the kid. If you take that path it's going to be bad. Maria please understands now you might hate it but in future, you will automatically love your kid. Trust me. Many people can't have children because of many reasons, you are lucky to have another child. They say that you are very blessed to have a child and children are the blessings of God.''

Maria said ''okay fine. But I am going to regret it. Huh... RUSHTON THIS IN NO TIME TO PLAY THE FOOL AND RECORDING THIS IN THE CAMERA!!!!'' Rushton said'' Waa come on I wanted to record it''

Time skip to May 22

After the baby was born, it was a boy and was named Ash, Ash William.

Maria was admitted to the maternity ward. Rushton and Dick came inside with Maria lay on the princess type bed with an injected IV to her hands. It was the VIP wards it had flora printed red curtains which are currently helping to cover the sunshine.

Doctor Alena came inside with her assistant nurse and said ''how are you feeling Maria?'' Maria answered ''yeah I am fine but a little sleepy that's all. Oh... So where's Ash?'' the smile on doctor Alena disappeared

Alena said ''about that I want to meet Doctor Ethan he is a specialist in pediatrics and he is your son's doctor''

Ethan entered the warm room he was wearing a blue shirt, grey pants with a white coat his golden hair was brushed making a side partition he has white skin with grey eyes he looked like some 27 or 30 he said ''hello it's a pleasure to meet you in person Mr. and Mrs. William, I am Ethan Ash's doctor''

''hi, I am Rushton William'' Rushton said Ethan said ''there is something wrong with your son'' ''do you mean Ash.'' Maria asked Ethan nodded fear speared across Maria's and Rushton's face ''he has health problems; his immune system is not strong. He can fall sick like about 3 or 5 times per year or even more.''

Doctor Ethan stopped for he thinks he has said too much Alena began ''for now we have admitted him in the NICUs and if his health gets worst sometime in the future we have to admit him as soon as possible. If he didn't get medical drug support he can... die and we think that he will die even before he enters his 20s''

Maria started to cry and sob in Rushton's chest and Rushton took his wife in his arms. Dick didn't understand anything since he was only 2 years old. The doctors left the room then Rushton said ''we should keep a distance and start to hate Ash because even if he dies we can control ourselves, Maria, I will tell dick also about to keep a distance eventually we will forget it okay now stop crying''

Maria look up her beautiful brown hair was a bit messy he blue eyes were full of tears she said ''okay let's do it, Rushton. Let's abuse harass and let Dick bully him with a gang''

The parents think this is the best way but in future, they might regret it. Because a human being has a feeling if you treat it badly it will simply disappear and never to be seen again.

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