chapter 4

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Ash's P.O.V

Hi, I am Ash, Ash William. 16 years old in 10th grade. I am abused form my parents and brother at home since 4 grade and I am bullied at school since nursery. Nobody likes me or loves me. I was token care by a nanny she loves me as her own child I promised her that she can see me in middle school that is 5 grade but she passed away even before I passed my 4th-grade final examination. Since then I am alone there is toucher at home and school. Everybody hates me.

At school, everybody keeps a distance because they think my health problems are contagious but actually, they are not. My parents don't care about me whenever I get sick they just throw me in the intensive care unit (ICU) and nobody comes and visits me except doctor Alena and Ethan who love me.

Alena loved me as I was her own son, she and my mom studied at the same high school. I am not very fond of anything. Well I mean I will die before I even enter my 20s right so I have more 2 or 3 years and then there is nothing to hold me back from death.


Today I am current in my geography class my brother dick is the bulling team leader, the team was only meant for me when our teacher looks away dick my brother throws a crushed paper ball at me.

As soon as the lunch starts I was to my locker I opened it there where many post-it notes stuck it said ''fool'',''loser'',''worthless'',''freak'',''useless'',''ugly'', one of the note was form my brother it said' 'wish your where not in my life little dumb brother Ashy-boy and wish you were dead' 'tears rolled down my face.

I checked the school newspaper today it said I was among the top ten suicidal people at school. I don't mind it because I committed it 29 times my brother doesn't bother everybody knows it except my parents and Doctor Ethan and thank you for doctor Alena who told my parents that I was sick instead of what really happened.

And it was for sure that I was to deal with organ failure in the coming years

I am dating a girl called Selena she is kind, cute and beautiful she has this amazing fashion sense, she has gorgeous honey blond hair and I love her beautiful marine blue eyes.

Out of Dick's class there were many fans of his. Because he was an actor like my parents. But what is wrong with me aren't even I the famous actor and actress's son? I don't think folks think about whose son or not.

Well out of the school gate there was a huge, long black car waiting for Dick. I don't go home with him. I usually walk Serena home first and then I go back to my place.

As Serena and I walk down the beautiful country lane type road. It was October our second term was near the end I said ''hey, Serena. Are you worried about something? You looked worried since the morning.'' I didn't say, Serena that I have only 2 or 3 years to live. She stopped and looked at me she said ''yes, in fact, I am worried about something' 'she said with a worried look I questioned her ''about what are you so worried?'' I asked her. I was sad too because she was the only person that I love so much in the whole world she said ''I am worried about you because those bully rascals are on to some plan to hurt you more'' tears rolled down her eyes when she said that. I instantly took her in my arms and hugged her tight.

I know that she is worried about me getting bullied but this time I knew she was hiding something so I said ''Serena let them go to hell. And you know I am strong right... Serena you know you can't hide anything from me so tell me the truth why are you worried''

She broke the hug she looked at my face with direct eye contact and said ''Ash you have been voted the top 1st among the top 10 suicidal students in the school magazine. You committed it 29 times. I am worried about losing you.''

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