Chapter 13

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hey, I'm back!! I had so much fun traveling but I'm glad to be home again. Coming back I have seen your comments and I want to thank you guys for reading my story. Here is another chapter for you guys.

a/n: for those who have already read this part, I just rewrote the end since a lot of you guys said it was a bit confusing.

The heat was awful. After being in gloomy and rainy England, I was still trying to get accustomed to the South Carolinian heat. I stood in front of a building. My source had told me that the person I want to meet is inside.

 I was out of my disguise today since I knew that Owen and Sean would not be here. I ran my hand through my hair. The black hair was nice for a change, but with a few shampoos, my blonde strands were back. I decided not to wear my contact because they irritated my eyes. 

Cool air blew on me as I walked through the doors. Colors of black, blue, and red were the first thing I saw. On the walls were painted silhouettes of men sparring and in mid-karate move. Rows of equipment were designed to circle a large sparring mat, which was currently being used by two men. The women and the men in the gym had stopped to watch the men fight each other.

"Come on, Ginger," the huge man said in broken English. The man's thick brown hair was wet with sweat. He had taken off his shirt to reveal an exquisite tattoo of a bear on his back. His arms and torso were inked with incredible designs. He howled with laughter. "I thought you were better. I am however a professional Russian."

I leaned against the wall with a smirk. Raven was part of the Toma team. When I first met him, he was scary but he turned out to be one of my most aggressive protectors.  Aggressive like chasing a boy who I had refused his advances with a knife in one hand and a gun on the other. He was one of the most talented men I have met in guns and fighting when serious. Right now he was just having fun and cocky.

His opponent did a series of punches and kicks which the Russian did not anticipate and barely blocked. With a roundhouse kick to the the chest, the large Russian fell to the ground. My eyebrows went up as the applause and cheering did not make the winner gloat, but instead he stretched a hand to help him up. 

The other man was quite large too. His shirt was stretched, showing off his bulging muscles. It was pretty obvious that he worked out a lot. What attracted my attention was his coloring. His hair was red. The red was not too bright yet not too brown. Blue eyes laughed as he bantered with Raven. His skin though was not pale like most redheaded people but tanned like he was out in the sun a lot.

"Маленькая птица, ты вернулся! Я скучал по тебе. Тебе нужно бить этого человека, чтобы вернуть себе честь.(Little bird, you are back! I have missed you. You need to beat this man to regain my honor.)" Raven bellowed when he saw me. A large mischievous smile was on his face when he started to run towards me. Knowing that it was futile to escape him, I let him pick me up in his sweaty arms and swing me around in a circle. Although he was covered in sweat, the smell of gun powder was still on him.

"Бог, Ворон, ты вонь. Отпусти меня. (God, Raven, you stink. Let me go.)" I laughed. He set me down on the ground. I looked up to see the redheaded stranger looking at us with curiosity. "Кто это? (Who is this?)"

Raven took a moment. It looked as if he was deciding whether to tell me who this man was. " Он является частью команды Blackbourne. ( He is part of the Blackbourne team.)" 

I ignored the stranger when he suddenly looked up at the mention of the word of blackbourne. My eyes glared at Raven. "о, да. Я хотел поговорить с тобой об этом. Почему вы, ребята, обратно из миссии? (oh,yeah. I wanted to talk to you about that. Why did you guys back out of the mission?)" 

He smiled. His smile was different than the others. It lit up his face, and his eyes went into a dreamy, excited state. "Я знаю, что мы сказали, что будем выполнять миссию, но мы ее нашли. (I know that we said we would do the mission, but we found her.)" 

I gasped. "Ты сделал?! Я так рад за тебя и за других. Я не могу дождаться встречи с ней. Где вы ее нашли? Где она? Почему вы не сказали мне это раньше? (You did?! I'm so happy for you and the others. I can't wait to meet her. Where did you find her? Where is she? Why did you not tell me this sooner?"

Raven burst out laughing. "Слишком много вопросов. На самом деле мы ее не нашли. У нас есть место. (Too many questions. We have not actually found her. We have her location.)

I nodded. "Хорошо. у вас есть действительно веская причина не принимать миссию. Надеюсь, ты ее найдешь. Я уже встречал Шона и Оуэна в моей маскировке, и я представил себя как Роуз. Я просто хотел тебе сказать. (okay. you have a really good reason for not taking the mission. I hope you find her. I already met Sean and Owen in my disguise and I introduced myself as Rose. I just wanted to tell you.)"

"Хорошо.  Как вы хотите, чтобы я познакомил вас с Нафаном?(okay. How do you want me to introduce you to Nathan?)" 

"По имени, смешной медведь. (By my name, silly bear.)" I have always wondered if the others in the Blackbourne Team know about me. I know what the letter said, but a part of me hoped that they didn't forget about me/

He nodded with a small smile. He turned towards the man who was watching our conversation with looks of confusion and curiosity. Raven slapped the man on the back with his large hand, knocking the man forward a few steps. "This is Nathan Griffin. This is my old friend Sang."

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