Chapter 39

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I hope you like the updates. The ending is coming soon

Three days have passed since the first day of school. The boys have been sticking to me like glue, following me everywhere except to the girl's locker room and bathroom. After the situation in self-defense, I rotated partners with the boys. I knew that they did something to Rocky because he would only look at me from a distance. For the past few days, I caught Hendricks and McCoy staring at me and the boys in the hallways that made me shiver.

I landed face first in my bed. The pillows flew into the air at the force and landed around me. Today was exhausting. No wonder I hated public schools. SO much drama and sooo much homework.

My phone pinged, alerting me of a text message. Groaning, I pushed myself onto my back and pulled my phone from my bra. The screen lit up with a message from Axel. I sat up, opening the message.

Axel: Busy?

Me: No. What do you need?

Axel: I need your help for a mission.

Me: I'll be there in thirty.

After a message from Axel saying okay, I leaped from my bed and glanced at my closet. A smile came to my face and I threw the doors open. My eyes narrowed onto the pieces of clothing I was dying to wear. Shoving a few items of clothing in my bag, I was ready and headed for the door with my helmet.

I had just passed Victor's apartment when the door opened behind me. A choked gruff voice almost had me jumping in the air. "Rose?"

I whirled around to see North standing halfway in Victor's door. His jaw was slightly open, and his eyebrows had almost disappeared into his hairline. I smiled. "Hey, North!"

A voice behind North whined. "North, move."

A slim figure slid between the door and North. Luke smiled in victory as he leaped into the hallway but he soon resembled his brother when his eyes landed on me. "Wow, that's hot."

I felt my face heat. I looked at my clothes. My black boots had two inch heels that made me feel taller and confident. My black leather pants molded to my legs, and my red sleeveless top formed a small v at the top of my breasts. Around my shoulders I wore a black leather jacket. Under my left arm was my helmet. I tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear before giving them a shy finger wave. "Hi."

"Where are you going?" Luke smiled, curiosity glowing in his eyes.

"Meeting some friends," I looked at his mouth, knowing that if I looked into his eyes I would be caught in a lie.

"You ride?" North choked out. The tips of his ears reddened slightly.

I looked at my helmet. "Yeah. I've been riding a motorcycle before I could drive a car. Is everyone inside?"

North shook his head. "No, Kota and Nathan are at their house. Silas and Gabriel are at Uncle's diner, and Mr. Blackbourne and Sean are still at school."

A alert on my phone had me looking down. It was Raven asking me what was taking me so long. I rolled my eyes. Axel had only texted me five minutes ago. I responded, telling him to hold his horses. I looked up to see curious and some other expression on their faces. "I got to go. My friends are waiting for me."

"Bye!" Luke called as I disappeared around a corner. I looked back in time to see the two doing their silent conversation.

Thirty minutes later, I stood outside Axel's apartment. I had knocked and I heard yelling inside. I pounded on the door. "I'm coming in. Axel, you better not be naked!"

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