Chapter 18

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It's a long chapter. It's over 4000 words! I had fun writing this chapter and I hope you guys like it and my version of this next Blackbourne boy. Oh, and Corey, too.

**************Meeting Boy # 7***************

I walked up to the door. Looking around to see if there wasn't anyone around, I knocked on the door with a random pattern. A soft but familiar voice spoke. "Who is it?"

"Corey, open the door."

The door peeked open. Cerulean blue eyes looked at me. His blonde hung in his face. His tense body relaxed at the sight of me. He opened the door enough to grab my arm and pull me through. Behind him was a table clattered with computers and electronics. Corey was pacing across the room, muttering something.

"Corey, what's wrong?"

Corey ran a hand through his hair. The blonde strands stood in every direction. "Ok, I should start at the beginning. My friend Victor and I were helping another Academy member who went undercover to get incriminating data from this one rich guy. An hour ago, we received word from the member that her cover was blown, and she was separated from the flash drive. Before I knew it, Victor is getting ready to go to the gala. I was able to make him wait for you to arrive. And worse, his parents are on the list."

"Why is his parents a problem?"

"Because I left them," a voice said behind me. The voice was baritone, smooth yet striking. Turning around I met a boy around my age, standing in the doorway leading into a bedroom. His brown eyes were wide, big, and it was the first time I'd thought the term "fire in his eyes" ever actually fit a face. His hair was a soft brown, reaching to the nape of his neck in gentle waves, brushed back away from his eyes. Around his neck hung a silver chain with a round silver medallion with some Celtic symbol I didn't recognize. His face was angular, and his fingers were long and lean.

"Left them?"

He seemed hesitant to speak. "Yeah. When I turned sixteen, my parents signed my emancipation papers."

I nodded. "And why will they be a problem?"

Victor turned his head towards me. "The last time I saw them, my father threatened me for what I did to them. And threats from my father are not to be forgotten."

"If he was coming at you in front of a crowd, would you fight him?"

His eyes blazed with curiosity at my question. He hesitated. "I-"

I already knew his answer. He wouldn't. "Corey, why didn't you call the others?"

He groaned. "I know, but if we storm in there, the crook will know that something is off. Even if I did call them, Victor's parents will tell people of what Victor's teammates do.

"Victor won't fight his father. We need someone to act as our bodyguard. Who on your team is near us?"

"My team is busy except Raven but he is about an hour away."

I faced Victor who was looking at me strangely. "What about your team?"

"I came here because my brothers are busy."

I looked at the time on my phone then up at the ceiling, making the decision. "Fine, call Jax and Caiden. They were planning to be in the area. When they get here, tell them what is happening." I cringed at the thought of resurrecting a former identity. "Do you still have my former identity?"

He nodded. Grabbing a plain packet from the table, he handed to me. "I have everything ready for you."

I was already walking towards the bedroom. I waved a hand behind me in thanks.

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