when we were little they told us,"use your words."
the only problem with that is they never taught us the right words to use.
they taught us the word sad and the word happy to describe how we feel
but we knew those words couldn't possibly describe the complexity of
our feelings and emotions.we needed words like
m e l a n c h o l y,
e u p h o r i c,
b i t t e r s w e e t,
d e p r e s s e d.
the kids like us are far more than happy and sad
we feel stronger,
we love deeper,
we breath different air,
we question common things,
we live more powerfully,
we help each other,
all because we have walked and are walking though hell.

1:24 am//poetry
PoetryExploring the depths of my oh-so complicated brain / poetry / quotes