He is your hurricane.
That's how it works with him.
He'll do something, something so innocent and so mindless it drives you to complete and utter insanity and makes you want to punch him or
kiss him, or both.First, he'll put on that stupid gorgeous smirk of his. Then, he will make some comment about how amazing he is, but you know it's just a way to mask his insecurities.
And whether you like it or not, you can't keep yourself from feeling the sweet poison from another's soul. It drives you to complete insanity, not knowing how you feel. It keeps your restless mind awake at 3am. It traps you within the infinite walls of your overactive imagination.
And before he was ever yours, he's gone. No trace of him left in your life. He has become your biggest fear. He has become nothing more than a fading memory. It leaves you terrified. Afraid that if you allow yourself to ever love someone, they'll fade
away just like he did.But one day, you'll see him. His honey brown eyes. His soft rosy cheeks. His confident smile. And just like every other time, you'll want to go back to him. And no matter what you do, you know you'll always welcome his chaos with open arms. He was your first and you may not realize it, but part of you was always hoping he'd be your last. There will forever be apart of you
that wants that nonsense
fairytale to be true.So before you're both pulled together in a frenzy of sweet nostalgia and beautiful clichés, remember the perfect mess of a girl you became after
your hurricane hit.

1:24 am//poetry
PoesíaExploring the depths of my oh-so complicated brain / poetry / quotes