{n i n e t y o n e}

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tell me everything. i want to know if you'd rather drink coffee or hot chocolate or tea. tell me what your favorite food was when you were eight years old. what was the one song that you never stopped listening to, even when everyone else was sick of it. what are the white lies you tell yourself. what is your mother's maiden name and what does it mean. what was your first pet. why were you so infatuated with it. what do you think about the sky and space and the universe. do you believe in soulmates. what is one thing that drives you to complete insanity. if you could go anywhere where would you go. why would you want to go. who would you take with you. when was the first time you truly felt free. have you ever been to the ocean. what is the best dream you've ever had. what made it so amazing. what does your name mean. why do or don't you like it. what do you wish your name was. when have you felt the most rebellious and why. what was the first concert you ever went to. who did you go with. what is your favorite feeling to feel. when have you felt closest to the sky. what was the one thing you wanted to be when you were a kid. what is the best Christmas you've had. why is that your favorite. what do you feel like you missed out on. what do you wish you could change about yourself and humanity and me. why is it so hard for you to tell me everything, because i want to know you better than everyone, including yourself. tell me everything you think will bore me to death. tell me all the things you think i don't care about. tell me who you wish you could be and who you think you are.

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