i keep trying to come up with something clever, some way to close, but i simply can't find one. how are you supposed to end a chapter in your life?well you must simply move on to the next one, so let's move.i've been trying to change for a long time now and i'm finally ready. after quite a long time, this book has met its end. it's time i start anew.
but i must thank all my faithful readers. i love each of you so much and i cannot express how grateful i am for you beautiful people. i'm glad you were apart of my messy journey. all good things must come to an end, but that doesn't mean a new one cannot start.
i'll be starting a new book for this new chapter of my life. i figured that if my life is changing, i might as well change with it. i'd love for you to join me on my next adventure. my new book is called "exposed."
so here's to coming farther than i ever thought i would and meeting people i never thought i'd know. thank you for all you've given me. i hope i've taught you something because you've taught me everything.
keep growing,
ella claire

1:24 am//poetry
PoetryExploring the depths of my oh-so complicated brain / poetry / quotes