{e i g h t y}

830 37 4

10:51 p.m.
The room comes alive in its entirety. The buzz of youthful music courses through their veins. Each figure morphs together in an assortment of flames. Lights beam down from the ceiling to illuminate each breathless body.

12:48 a.m.
This is the part where the booming music comes to an end. Each incandescent body slowly fades away from the scene. And the neon lights melt away, giving into the night, and become simple shadows.

2:24 a.m.
The only music left is the light touches of rain rolling down the broken windows. The only face left to look at is the one of the soft-spoken moon. And the only light is from the dimly lit stars shining humbly above the obscure earth.

~remember, we change with the night

1:24 am//poetryWhere stories live. Discover now