His and Hers

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Janise POV
Omg I'm bored and I wanna go somewhere so I call out to Travis who's in the kitchen

"Hey bae!" I yell with everything in me

"Yea!"he yells back

"Do you wanna go somewhere today?"

"I can't I'm going to shop with they guys!"

"Ok!" Wait damn speaking of shopping we was suppose to get the guys the his and hers shirts and rings,I immediately take out my phone and text my friends



Mani:what happened?



Janise:we for got to get the his and hers stuff


Janise:oh David we were all planning on buying our man a his and hers shirt and ring

David:I have a man?





David:ok I get it!,now where are we going

Janise:the mall

David:oh ok

Aubree:Can I drive?

David:yea but don't expect gas money


Aubree:ight y'all get ready and David.....🖕🏾

Well Travis just left and I'm getting ready,I wear a plain black t-shirt and some black jeans cause I really didn't feel like getting dressed or nothing and as soon as I was about to grab my wallet off of the table.......

Travis POV
The horn honked and Treyshawn was outside waiting so I left.Soon as I open the door I'm met with loud ass music and Daniel Smoking,I really shouldn't be bothered by it considering I belong to a.....nvm but they do it all the time but my nostrils couldn't take it

"Aye dude can u put that out?" I ask Daniel but good thing he ain't the mean type cause dude put it out then threw it out of the window,I can't wait to buy Janise this necklace and ring set but here's the thing we all agreed that all of the rings are gonna get a crown for princess but the necklace is gonna have a symbol of their personality on it.

We got to Florence mall in what seemed like 30 minuets because of how fast treyshawn drives but I don't mind,I walk in met with the smell of....the food court,you know what I shout buy Janise something out of here but first let me go get this stuff.We all go into the jewelry section looking for the rings first.....hmmmm where is the size ten,oh ok I found it and I'm getting a necklace with a T in it cause she has my heart and my heart only.

Janise POV
So I'm in here and I'm seeing where are the his and hers shirts,awe I found them and even better I can customize it!!!!!Me and Emani get behind the machine and start decorating and bruh!!! This shii is sick I made the shirt red with Janise and Travis on it and a picture of us! Omg I hope he likes it,I look over at Emani's and she makes hers green and white.Aubree and Mycalla go behind the machine and as much as I don't like the color pink that pink and white Aubree did is cute asf and Mycalla went with the black and gold.You know what maybe I should get our names in the ring but first where is David,oh wow he's over there at footlocker,well he might be getting some shoes.I go back to the front and get me and Travis's name Ingraved in the ring and I'm just so excited to give it to him,he truly is my king and the only guy I ever did this for.As we are walking back to the car I'm thinking about my future and for some reason I see me and Travis raising a little girl,a cute little mixed girl but I get snapped out of my thoughts when I see David with about 17 bags in his hands like............

Travis POV
Like............why tf did Marcus get so many bags,I bet David didn't get that much for him.I go to the food court,I remember Janise loves Italian food so I buy her like 3 plates of Italian food although I know she won't eat none of it I still wanna make sure my baby has enough to eat.We get in the car trying to fit all of the stuff but thanks to Marcus and Treyshawn their isn't no more room back their so we had to improvise and more some stuff around,I can't wait to give this stuff to her tomorrow at school cause I'm too sleepy to do it all tonight,plus I want everyone to know she's mines but ugh I can't sleep with all of.......

Janise POV
David and Emanis's stuff right beside me so I'm just going to have to sleep slouched down then lol when I get home I swear I'm going straight to sleep

15 minuets later

Aubree drops me off at home but as soon as I go in I see Travis's jacket on the rack and my mom cooking

" hi mom what you cooking"

She gives me a stupid grin
"Something you're not getting none of"

I look at her in disbelief but she starts laughing

"Honey your little boyfriend bought you something to eat so enjoy"

"Thanks but I'll eat that in the morning I'm sleepy"

"Ok goodnight honey"

"Night mom"
I go to my room but once I opened the door I saw that the bathroom door was open so I put Travis's stuff in the closet where I know he won't look but then he comes out of the bathroom with wet hair and I towel around his waist and it's taking everything in me to not look down,he gives me a smirk then kisses me goodnight......well that was...embarrassing but for now I'm just gonna sleep it of for tomorrow.

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