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Marcus POV
Well I was in fourth period until my teacher asked me to go take the attendance sheet to the office but I gotta pee bad so I went to the bathroom first.I was pissing thinking I was alone till I heard someone humming but it's a soft high voice that could only belong to one person. "Hey Marcus" David said cheerfully as he came from the last stall,I give him a half smile with a simple wassup but I've been thinking,the boys said it was my day to ask Erik to prom but little do they know it's not Erik who I wanna ask like seriously you've seen the stuff me and him been through but yet you still think I'm gonna choose Erik?.I'm nervous as hell because I wanna ask him do he wanna go to the mall with me but I don't want him to say no.


David POV
So tell me why on earth did Marcus had to be in here with me ugh,I say hey to him and he gives me this side smile to die for but imma keep it cool.As I'm washing my hands after that much needed pee I see him looking down at his hands like he's thinking about something real hard so I tap him "Are you Ight?" I asked with concern on my face but he gives me an ok that followed up with a can I ask you a question and if it's anything like last year when he wanted to ask me a question then I'm in trouble. "Do you wanna go to the mall together after school?" He asks me and all I could do in that moment was blush like blush blush and I'm black!!!! "Sure that's cool" I play it off as he gives me this nervous side smile he does when he's unsure lol.

Marcus POV
I watched as David walked out of the bathroom then I stared at myself in the mirror to remind myself I'm not gay,well see a lot of people don't really know me like that so I'm good but I'm an only child and my mom is all I have so I can't be that way or else she'll be sad,Also David is a name that is most familiar to the whole school down to his feminine ways and his soft voice but all of that makes David David which is perfect,just not to everybody else.I walk out the bathroom happy asf for the bell to ring so I can get on that bus,go home and change,and pick David up.At last the Damn bell rings I got tired of hearing Ms Jones voice so I get up and walk out of the door not seeing no one else out there,wow guess I'm the first one out.

David POV
So I am waiting on my clique and when I see them walk down the hallway I get happy until they pass by me...maybe they didn't see me so I'll go and follow them,I immediately see Janise and the distance and run to her but by the time I got to her she got on the bus so I'm just getting on my bus so I text her.



Dav💙:girl Marcus just asked me to goto the mall

BestFriend🦄💜:you better go

Dav💙:lol I am

So I get home and rush right in my room to pick out something to wear because this is like the best day ever,finally I picked out a black shirt with a blue leather jacket and black Short pants lol.

Marcus POV
Well I'm currently in my closet trying to put on something that's boyfriend material(see what I did there?) well I just picked out a blue long sleeve and black jeans and blue shoes.I do a hygiene check in the mirror and comb my hair out for today but I'm still nervous I mean my palms are sweaty and my heart is racing 200 miles per hour.I get into my car and start the engine and as I'm driving fifth harmony sledgehammer starts to play lol one of David's favorite songs.

David POV
I'm in the mirror trying to convince myself that we are just friends but then I hear a horn honk and I immediately started to get nervous so I put on a smile and started skipping down the hallway to the door to hide the fact that I'm freaking out on the inside.He is outside standing by the open door waiting for me to get in but as soon as I get in I hear music "If you could take my pulse right now it'll hit you like a sledgehammer"then I start singing to the top of my lungs as Marcus does the same driving off.

Marcus POV
As the music stops I look into David's eyes happy that I get to share a laugh with him but then he snaps me out of my thoughts "What happened?" But I tell him that I'm just happy that I'm with him again but then he gets me with a question I never wanted to answer "Dude we have the same 1st period and we also see each other in the hallway all the time so why not talk to me then?" I was about to answer but thank god we just pulled up to the mall.We got out  David immediately went to his own store of choice meanwhile I went to go buy us a drink.I was looking at the menu and saw that they had Caramel Frappes so I brought me and David one since he loves iced coffee.I went into my favorite store just casual and found David in the back looking at a blue jacket with a D on it and some pants so I took it upon myself to go to the counter and ask them for a room David can try those pants on then he went to go get David and put him in a dressing room.A good 40 seconds passed then David came out and I must say those pants are doing some good but then I look back at the guy from the counter looking at him then said "wow those pants are doing you some justice" which caused David to blush lightly so I took out $100 and paid for it so we can get out of here.We started walking out of the store out into the cool breeze outside,I opened David's door then gave him his drink and we had a peaceful drive back to his house.

David POV
Wow back there was crazy but this drink sure did hit all of the spots yes!.I look over at Marcus while he was driving and he looks so nervous about something so I ask him what's wrong but he just says nothing,I hope that whatever's bothering him isn't bad.We arrive at my house and he gets out to open my door and my I add it's dark asf out here man like damn but just then Marcus pulls me away from my house as the light from the moon is hitting his face so gently then he breaths in deep then says.......

Marcus POV
"Will you go to the prom with me?" I say but then David gives me a questionable stare then say "oh sure cool ain't nothing wrong with friends going to the prom together" I ain't gonna lie when he said that my heart dropped a little because I wanted him to be my date,I thought he liked me but I guess he's just not feeling me that way so I tell him good night then go bout me business,hope treyshawn's proposal goes right cause mines sure did take a wrong turn.

David POV
Who am I kidding Marcus isn't gay or bisexual and he doesn't like me like that so of course he meant as friends,I'm so stupid to think he meant more,guess he's not into I'm sad but I'm just gonna sleep it off.

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