Chapter 12

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Chapter Twelve

Cian gave the golden robed Veira a small smile before saying, "This young one will be coming with me, do you have any objections?"

Veira shook his head fiercely, "I have none, Headmaster. As Headmaster wishes, the boy will go with you."

None of those left in the room understood what was happening as Cian turned to Kai with a warm look on his face. "We meet again, young Kai. Let's go." With a wave of his hand, a violet mist circled around the two before it enveloped the both of them. When the mist disappeared, so had the Headmaster and the young white haired boy.

In a small room that only contained a desk and one worn down chair, the two males appeared as they stepped out of a purple haze. Kai stood still, blinking his eyes quickly trying not to throw up. He felt lightheaded and dizzy after the small space warp was finished. Noticing the young boy next to him was swaying on his feet, Cian reached out a hand to steady him.

The moment CIan's skin made contact with Kai's arm, he felt an electrical sensation travel all the way down to his feet. Feeling the shock, Cian almost ripped his hand away but as the color drained even more from Kai's already pale face, he restrained himself as he pushed the boy into the set behind the desk. Once seated, Kai put his head between his knees and breathed in slowly.

Throughout the entire exchange, the twelve crystal dragons stayed perched or flying around Kai, watching him with their different colored eyes. Like prismatic colors seen through the streams of sunlight in glass, the dragons eyes were never the same color. They were like refractions of moonlight through crystal. Cian glanced at the dragons and sighed.

Once Kai's breathing finally settled down, Cian kneeled in front of him with a calm expression playing on his face. Feeling one of the dragons nudging his face out of concern, Kai opened his eyes. Seeing Cian kneeling before him, he suddenly remembered what the other teacher had called him.

"You're the Headmaster?" Kai asked shakily.

Still kneeling in front of Kai, Cian smiled and tapped his knee with a long finger as he answered, "In name only, I'm usually travelling around."

As if realizing something, Cian stopped and pulled away, a look of concentration playing across his face. Then he sighed and blinked slowly, once his eyes opened again, CIan looked at Kai who's eyebrows were scrunched together with a look of confusion on his face.

Chuckling, Cian said, "I have forgotten myself in my excitement. Let me properly introduce myself. My name is Cian Blaise and I am the Headmaster of Bright Moon Academy."

Kai looked up at Cian and really scrutinized the man in front of him for the first time. Cian was almost two heads taller than him; Kai's head would barely reach the older man's shoulder making it so that he had to tilt his head back just to look up at him. WIth golden hair that seemed to catch every light within the room, it was secured tightly behind his head in a long ponytail that trailed down to his waist. Some locks of hair had escaped the confines of the tie and were cascading down on either side of his face, framing it.

During the first test, Kai had noticed that Cian's expression was normally as cold as ice, with nothing able to change that stoic expression to anything else. However, everytime Cian looked at Kai, a light smile decorated his face, tilting his lips upward in a small smile. Everytime Cian smiled, it made his jade green eyes sparkle with a brighter luster than they normally did.

Since Cian was tall, his body was also on the thinner side, but whether he was hiding muscles between his white robe or not, Kai did not know. The white robe Cian was wearing was a common one that all the teachers of the Academy wore to let the students find them easier. While the teachers wore white, the ones with higher status had golden thread, like Sitross. The only one who had another color running beside the golden threads was Cian. Only along the collar was there a bright purple thread that entertwined with the golden one. This purple signified that he was the headmaster.

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