Perfect (Klaus)

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Imagine being insecure because your not as skinny as all the other girls and Klaus thinking your perfect.

"I'm sorry, Y/n," Rebekah gave you a pout, "I would lend it to you but...."

You died inside, this happened every time, you could never quite fit in the same clothes as the other girls and you had been bullied for all of your schooling years. And the bullying hadn't just been the other kids, your older sister who you had worshipped put you down You stantly.

"Yeah, I get it," You walked away into you and Klaus' bedroom.

Your eyes drifted to the mirror that Nik had installed into the wall thinking you'd need it to get ready in the morning but honestly it just made you feel worse.


You turned away from the mirror. You had just gotten back from school and had hoped into the bathroom to wash your hands before you ate.

"Yes, Dad?" You replied to your father, "What is it."

He appeared in the doorway. He looked over you with a disgusted look in his eyes.

"What are you doing in here?" He asked with an accusing tone.

"Just getting ready for afternoon tea," You gave him a smile, "I had to wash my hands."

"No, we're cutting back on that," He scrunched his nose at you, "Your not going to be eating anything until dinner, and your walking to school from now."

"I don't understand?" You frowned, "Why?"

"Your fat," He hissed, "I will not have my family not perfect."

He walked away and you turned back to the mirror, finally realising your appearance. You saw what your father did, you began sobbing.

You looked into the mirror, your father's words had stuck with you.

"Fat," You whispered and a tear slipped out your eyes.

And that one tear opened the flood gates. You sunk to the floor and cried and cried. You were disgusting, why did Nik even want you! He was perfect and you....

"Y/n," The door swung open, "I apologise for Re-....Love!"

He fell to the floor and grabbed your hand from your face. His sincere greeny blue eyes bored into yours.

"Breathe, Y/n, breathe," Nik's eyes didn't leave yours, "What is the matter, love? Who is it I'll-"

"Why do you want me," You gave a quiet whisper, looking down, "Look at me Nik...there are so many girls out there better than me...skinnier than me."

He froze, he was shocked, Klaus lifted your chin to look him in the eyes.

"Love, why didn't you tell me you felt like this," He looked heartbroken.

"What? Fa-"

"Insecure, Y/n," Klaus murmured, "Insecure."

"You're always so busy trying to protect this family," You attempted to move your head to avoid him but he held your face, strongly but also somehow gentle, "I didn't want you to waste your time on me."

"I love you, Y/n," He professed, "And I didn't fall in love with you because of your looks, they were simply a plus. You're the most beautiful woman I have ever come across in my thousand years of living. You.Are.Perfect."

"I love you, Nik," You sniffed.

"Always and forever, Darling."


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