A Thousand Years (Part 5)

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You strutted through the streets of New Orleans, it had taken a while for you too adjust to the drastic change but three years later you seemed to have settled in. You had happily accepted the title 'Princess of New Orleans'.

But for the last three years Marcel had snuck out a couple times each month and now something was stirring, you could feel it. The vampire population was expanding from the new 'visitors' in town. So, you decided to figure out where he was going so you could check it out.

And now you had arrived, Marcel was out with one of his accomplices, Sofya, so you had all the time in the world to scope the area. It was some sort of compound, it was fenced of but you ducked under the tape warning all to keep away.

The moment to walked in you felt something, it was different... Unusual. As a witch, a very powerful one, you could often sense when a supernatural being was near and their strength.

Your curiosity got the best of you and you followed the unknown supernatural force. You ended up in a dungeon of some sorts and you unlocked the massive iron door holding you back from whatever was behind it.

"Marcel..." A broken hiss came from behind it.

It was definitely a man...or maybe a manly voiced woman? But you continued to venture inside, instead of opening the door (which Marcel would definitely notice) you used your magic to teleport to the other side. It was a peculiar feeling, like you were a china cup that someone had smashed and super glued back together.

You stretched your legs, reacquainting yourself with your body. You looked around and froze as you saw something that was so sickening that you had to turn away.

Marcel had kidnapped someone. This man lay, sprawled on the disgustingly unhygienic ground.

"What in the world," You hissed in your smooth accent.

The mans eyes squinted open, causing you to jump.

"Rebekah?" He murmured.

"Who?" You frowned.

"You look like my sister," He coughed, "You look like both my sisters."

"I don't think I know either of them," You frowned.

"You look like all my siblings actually," he murmured, "but..you resemble... Freya."

"Freya," You stepped back, "Freya, with blonde hair and bright eyes, Freya, daughter of Mikael and Esther, Freya, niece of Dahlia!"

Marcel had said it was years and years since you had been with Dahlia and Freya, that all of them would have died. A time without vampires he had said, that it would be impossible.

He looked at up and examined you, his eyes grew wide.

"Y/n," he said in shock, "You've awakened, how long have you been free of Dahlia's curse?"

"Three years," You frowned, "How do you know me, how do you know my sister?"

"Because she is my sister, as are you," He coughed, "You've grown into a beautiful woman. If you have changed this much I wonder....has Hope?"

"Excuse me?" You frowned, "I don't understand...Marcel...h-he said my family was dead. That I was from a time before vampires...that mama, Frey, little Elijah...Finn were gone."

"Mother is gone, so is Finn," The man sighed, "Elijah is no longer little, he is older than I."

"My little brother is a man?" Your eyes grew wide, "Don't tell me that he has married!"

"He hasn't but...let's just say that he is very close to it," he laughed, "If she can awaken him."

"What is your name, apparent brother of mine," You raised an eyebrow.

"Niklaus Mikaelson."

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