Spelled (Hayley, Kol and Davina)

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Hayley -

You frowned, "Could you turn dogs into vampires."

"Sweetie, I'm living proof of that," Hayley smirked, looking back as she pulled you through the crowd.

"That's not what I mean!"

"I know, I know," Hayley signed, rolling her eyes, "I don't know, and I don't plan on finding out. Can you imagine vampire fido, creepy."

The hybrid was pretty sure on what the witch had done to you, it wasn't anything too terrible. You'd been spelled to say whatever was on your mind.

Hayley thought that it was actually quite adorable but she knew that you'd be extremely embarrassed once the spell wore off or Freya countered it.

"That's sad," You pouted, "Forever puppies would be cool..."

Hayley laughed but pulled you closer to her as you entered the compound.

"Klaus!" No answer, "Elijah! Rebekah! Anyone?!!!"

"I don't think anyone's home," You said meekly, afraid your girlfriend might snap at you.

"Neither," Hayley chewed on her lip.

"You look really sexy right now," You said in a rush, sometimes Hayley's beauty really hit you, leaving you breathless.

Hayley turned to you and frowned, "I need to text Freya, go sit in my bedroom."

Hayley turned to leave so you caught her hand, the brunette turned back and frowned at you, "Yeah?"

"Can we have sex after you text her?"

Kol -

"I actually think it's quite adorable, Darling," Kol gave you scratch under your chin.

"This is serious, Kol!" You exclaimed, trying not to purr at your lovers touch.

Key word, trying.

Your loud purrs caused Kol's stupid cocky smirk to grow even larger (along with other things😉😉), you grabbed your brand new cat ears and pressed them to your hair. This was all too embarrassing and Kol wasn't helping at all.

"What's up, kitty cat," Kol hummed with a huge grin on his face, "Whoaaaaaaaah."

"Shut up, Kol!" You frowned, you stood up to leave, his hand immediately caught yours.

"I apologise, Darling," He smiled sheepishly, "I just wanted to make the best of an awful situation."

"Awful," You agreed, your new tail gave an irritated flick.

"But is it really so awful, honestl-"

"Yes, this is absolutely terrible," You snarled, "I look like I'm straight out of one of those anime's."

You noticed the glint in Kol's chocolate brown eyes and cringed.

"Ewww!!" You hissed, jumping back, "I DIDN'T MEAN HENTAI!!!"

You ran away from the bedroom to go away from your horny immortal (more like immature) vampire of a boyfriend.

"Oh, c'mon, Y/n," Kol whined, "Just one round!"

Davina -


Davina jumped back in shock, you laughs could be heard echoing throughout your apartment, "I got you!! Now get me!!"

"How can I possibly get you," Davina whined, waving her hands around her, "I can't see you!"

"That's not my fault," The brunette jumped again as your whispers tickled her left earlobe.

She spun to try and catch you but you just weren't there.

"You just had to try an invisibility spell, didn't you, Vina," You exclaimed, laughing maniacally, the teenaged witch noted that you sounded like you were somewhere near the table, maybe on top of it, "You just had to sneeze."

"I can't help sneezing!" She announced to no direction in particular, "Its a natural bodily function."

Davina suddenly felt lips moving on her neck, sucking and nipping. She let out a strangled gasp.

"W-what are you doing?" She whispered in shock.

You pulled away from her neck, she couldn't see you but she could tell that you were smirking.

"I thought," Your lips pressing wet kisses to her jaw between each word, "If one bodily function made me like this, another might reverse it."
A/n, all of these were at least a little bit sexual so I'm sorry for you easily flustered people. But I actually thought that these were cute.

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