Chapter 7: The cult of Diaz

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Hello inanimate object.

You're not mad at me are you? Because I feel like your all mad and restless that I hadn't been writing in you last few days. I mean it was 2 days, not a week. Well you shouldn't be! I was off doing princess things and duties and manners and...

Ugh who am I kidding?

I'm sorry I've been gone these last few days because I needed to get away.

2 days ago was Marco's birthday. March 10th.

It's hard you know? That morning I woke up and scurried over to my mirror, hair a wild mess and still in my jam jams. We used to wake up as early as we could and just wish each other a happy birthday regardless how horrible we looked in the mornings. Marco said because we were best friends, we knew we looked horrible but we would look horrible together. Not that Marco could ever look horrible if he tried...

When Marco's parents answered, a knowing gaze with their sad smiles, I stood there shocked. I had forgotten that Marco wasn't around anymore. It really hit me hard, harder than the previous year. I could see how much Mr. and Mrs. Diaz missed their son (They told me they preferred that I called them like that rather than your highnesses, refreshing to tell you the truth.) Even his parents weren't allowed to know where he went.

I couldn't help but start crying in front of them. Marco isn't due back for another half a year but each second without him just reminded me that this was punishment for how I treated him, how I acted. Even if he came back, he would probably just avoid me. I mean I wouldn't talk to me after what happened and I love me

I begged my mom to let me out of the palace, just send me anywhere as far as I could from my room, from all my memories just for a few days.

Unfortunately that meant a small party for princess Jackie. Jackie is a cool girl and I like her well enough but Marco did too. A lot. I remember all the times he would turn bright red in her presence, quiet and all shy. Haha I don't even think he realized Jackie was flirting with him.

Ugh, there's that feeling again.

You know that feeling right? Like an intense dislike for something even though there's no reason to be?

It happens every time I mention Jackie and Marco in a sentence. There, it happened again. Let me feed Sir Pinkington, it'll calm me down.

You's been a year and half since...yeah but I can still remember Marco as if I saw him yesterday.

I mean I still remember his little habits. Putting his stuff in order, making a cute pouting face whenever I moved anything out of place. OH! The way his eyes seemed to change from these darkish chocolate brown eyes to a caramel light brown in just the right light. His transformation into Marco, P.H.D. With this adorable spin and these cute little glasses that made him seem older than he was. The way his body stiffened whenever I hugged soft his lips felt...

Mewberty is the worst. I could remember every second of it but at the time I was confused, it felt like I was watching television program of myself. I hadn't realized what I had done until mom explained that while raging through Mewberty, my basic instincts would take over. Anything I thought was a dream during that time had actually happened.

I'm still don't know why I kissed him. Why my basic instincts thought that was a good idea. I just remember feeling intense...desire come over me. Like I did not want anyone else to have Marco. Like the very idea of Marco not being mine was just...unthinkable, unacceptable.

Luckily he didn't seem to remember the kiss.

Looking back, Marco has always been the safe kid, my best friend, my partner in crime, well Marco. We were inseparable. Marco Diaz and Star Butterfly. Star Butterfly and Marco Diaz. If you saw one of us, the other was nearby. It had always been like that. Us on our adventures, having fun, saving the day.

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