Chapter 13: Battle for Saint Olga's Part 1

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I let out a whimper of fear, rounding the corner in a hurried, frantic run, praying to anyone, everyone to come save me.

I know that...that I am a capable fighter even without my wand but a year and half ago, I didn't. I was scared, lost, confused. I mean I almost became a mindless puppet for a mad man planning to plunge the dimensions into some kind of chaotic, genocidal war. And it didn't happen because my best friend, who...who was just so amazing, so brave, so...

He saved me. He came to me in the darkest moment, when I needed him most and he just...saved me.

....I'm horrible...

I couldn't help but lose my courage. I was still in his lair, in the evil, twisted halls where countless princesses fell prey to the monster behind the gentle mask of man. Where so many lives were altered, good nature if sometimes rough around the edges girls turned into sick toys for his goal for...whatever it was.

I turned back, the glowing, ruby red eyes of the guards shinning through the dim light of the halls, a shiver going down my spine when I remembered I had literally just been in this situation hours before.

But this time there was no Pony Head, the slumbering, unknowing guards had been awoken and began chasing after me like mindless, obedient robots...which they were...which I had almost...

I turned straight into a dead end, the sound of the guards footsteps slowed to a tauntingly held out pace.

I raised my fists to defend myself.

A flash of a thought bounced around in my skull. the machine, large, menacing and full powered hovered above my head, prepared to take everything I've ever known away from me.

I felt my body stiffen in fear, my heart beat wildly and uncontrollably as I fell to my knees, clutching my head in hopes that it was the only machine. There was no other. That there was no way for me to become a helpless plaything in Felix's grasp.

I pathetically called for Marco, incapacitated by an untamed and new found fright as the guards shadows slowly came closer.

The staircase opened into a large, all encompassing room, stretching high into air, the ceiling just a sea of shadows above my head. Star's heart mark on my hand pulsed softly, giving me the courage to keep going.

The entire room filled me with a foreboding sense of dread, like something unnatural was at work here.

There was a single carpeted path, a dull, faded black texture that stretched before me, two rows of powder, dreary white columns on either side. In between each row of columns, Thick, gray and rusted metal chains hung down, arranged like nooses ready to ensure unsuspecting prey who dared cross its way.

I drew my sword, a golden light I've never seen brightening the dark, gloomy room as I made my way closer to the front.

I suppose I didn't wonder too much why my blade was glowing at that moment in time, the singular idea of bringing down Felix had only room for one more thought. Star.

I shifted uneasily. I was so worried about her, the fear in her eyes, the amazing bright self worth and confidence that normally shone through every fiber of her being, snuffed down to a small flicker of life, shaking in a harsh wind.

I didn't want to leave her. I wouldn't have if I stayed a moment longer but Felix was too dangerous for me to let him stay loose and Star would never recover as long as he was out there, waiting...watching for his opportunity to strike.

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