Chapter 1: When I first met you

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They told me if I wrote in this, I'd feel better...I sure hope so.

Umm...dear inanimate object...I guess.

I guess I really want to talk about Marco. The first time I met Marco, we were both 12 years old. My parents had invited royals from across the dimensions to view a rare occurrence in Mewni: A star storm. While the event is indeed as scarce as they claimed and infinitely more beautiful than many visual treats across the universes, that wasn't the true intent of the event. In reality, my parents were trying to get me meet the various princes to see which suitor I wouldn't kill. I wasn't required to be married by a certain age but I wasn't the standard bred princess, so meeting a prince that could put up with me was a huge deal.

I loved exploring the outside world that surrounded my home. The Forest of Certain Death, The Mountains of Insanity, the Ocean of the Tears, Bork. I couldn't help it. I loved the sights of Mewni and the stuffy castle walls held very little interest for me. All I did at home was how to learn to a proper princess: Proper diction, proper manners, proper behavior around other nobles. Proper, Proper, Proper. Ugh. Seriously I can't write like this anymore. I feel like my mom and while I love her, I don't want to be her.

Anyway, I had just finished taming my newest unicorn, Pickles. Hey I was twelve! Stop judging me book! Anyway, as I stood in some dark corner of the castle, waiting for the star storm while having the added benefit of dodging the princes, I wondered why did everyone considered me wild. A rebel, unfit for a princess. So I like to have fun, fight monsters. Was that so wrong? Apparently it was. Everyone had something bad to say about me but only my dad said good things. Mom was stern but loving but I could never feel as open with her as I could with dad.

Wait, where was I? Oh yeah! Marco. I remember when I first laid eyes on him. It was completely impossible not have noticed him. No, literally. His parents had shoved him directly at me and he stopped just inches from running into me. Marco had turned back to his parents but they had already slipped into the crowds. Marco had let out a sigh and slowly turned back to me. Marco's widen at the sight of me and I'd be lying if I said I didn't returned the favor. His light brown eyes were a color I had never seen before. Green, blue, purple. Bo-ring. Marco brown? Pretty. His black hair was well kept but I remembered vaguely snickering at his dark red uniform and white dress pants.

"So, do you always let your parents push you into princesses as an ice breaker?" I teased gently. I was caught off guard when Marco slyly smiled back and replied "only the prettiest ones" That was not the answer I was expecting from the clearly nervous boy in front of me and I felt flustered. "I'm Prince Marco Diaz" he told me as he took a quick bow "From Terra." "Princess Star Butterfly of Mewni" I met his bow with a handshake. Surprised but quickly recovering, he firmly shook my hand. I was surprised that I felt rough callouses on his hands. Most of the princes I had talk to before the event were not as understanding as Marco was and certainly had smoother hands than mine and I could always see the grimace they gave me whenever I offered my hand. Marco did not. In fact he seemed very eager to meet me as if he had heard the most incredible things about me. Which I knew was not true.

"Princess Butterfly" Marco started but I quickly scoffed and waved my hand at him "Just call me Star" Marco paused for a moment before grinning slightly "Okay, Star. I guess you can call me Marco" "Wow, praise a girl and suddenly we're informal" Marco blushed as red as his uniform. Looking back, I had to admit that was the moment I found Marco endearing. "Come on, let's go have some fun!" Marco seemed confused and his confusion only grew when I bolted away from him. Princes were lazy. They never did anything unless were directed to or they just had their underlings do it for them. "Star!" Marco called after me but I was lost in the thrill of something finally exciting! As I dodge through the thick, dancing crowds. "STAR! WAIT UP!" Marco sounded like he was just behind me and that made me run harder since someone was finally joining in on the fun. I turned back to see him hot on my heels, just a little more and he could've touch my shoulder. "Wow, you're keeping up?!" "STAR WATCH OUT!" As I looked back in front of me, I could see the wide eye waiters carrying some plates of food, praying to every deity in existence. Except Tony. He just glares at me because the mess I was about create.

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