Chapter 16: The Tale of Astrid and Roland Pt. 2

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Here is a surprise

I was still trying to process everything when my sensei let out a bitter laugh.

"I always did love that version of the story...I actually died in that one."

"You...Wait" I peered carefully at him, his brown eyes shining ironically at me. "You're..."

"I" He said calmly "am Roland."

"B-but...but how?" I questioned, feeling lost and confused at all this information.

"I don't know myself" Roland answered me, staring far off into the distance "I suppose Astrid's desire to keep me alive was far stronger than she thought. I suppose during that last spell the wand granted her desire. To keep me alive."

He smiled sadly, a small tear running down his face "I've spent the last 1,000 years without her...the one person that truly loved me. I wandered the cosmos...searching for a way to bring her back...but alas the dead remain dead. And the living live on. Then I found this pocket dimension and began hiding away from the world, waiting for the day Astrid's spell wears off and I can be with her once more"

"Roland I'm..."

"Sorry? I'm not. I long for death but in this cruel twist of fate, I was able to pass on the secret of the blade to you. Had I died, the people would've destroyed themselves over power. Had I died, you and all you love wouldn't stand a chance. There would be no Butterfly family and the sword wouldn't have been safe on Earth."

"But...the sword was lost."

"The sword" Roland explain calmly "Does its own thing. It hides itself away until it is needed once more."


"I don't want pity Diaz" He told me sharply "I don't want your sorry or my apologies. I have lived many lifetimes without my beloved Astrid and I have heard it all. When the darkness returned, I wondered to myself how. But I remembered what the voice told me so many years ago. You must have the courage to venture into the darkness strike the light from within so others may know peace without fear of the dark. I had to strike at the heart of darkness"

"I'm sorry Marco" he told me guiltily "If I had done my part all those years ago, you wouldn't have to take up the blade in my place."

"You didn't know...we didn't know..."

"Marco I have lived a long time, against my will mind you, and seen many things. In all my years I have never seen such a powerful bond between two people that you and Star have."

"But I..."

"made a mistake" he told me gently "or perhaps it was a misunderstanding. Two broken people trying to fix themselves while protecting the other. What I am trying to tell you Marco Diaz is you can fix this. Your love still breaths...your love still longs to see you..."

He smiled weakly at me, a thousand years worth pain etched onto his face "Your love is within your reach."


"Do not dwell in the past Marco Diaz. I have spent a thousand years doing so and I am no wiser now as I was then."

"Thank you sensei. In six months, I will say sorry to Star...I will hold her and I will try my best to fix the damage that was done. 6 more months of training and I will see her again.

"About that..."

I stared at him, knowing glint in his eye

"You were ready two months ago."

My eyes glared at him as I rose to my feet.

"Two months? I was..."

"Physically ready. You mastered the sword's magic excellently but you were not emotionally ready. You tried to hide it from me but I could see the guilt in your eyes, the heavy burden weighing you down. So I had you write in the journal.

"To let go of my guilt..." I muttered weakly "So I could be ready to see her again."

Roland nodded "You two will need each other now more than ever. You two must finish what Astrid and I could not."

", you told me my body had to adapt to magic! How am I already ready?"

"Star of course."

he glanced at me, a caring gleam I had never seen before in his eyes

"Your constant exposure to Star increased your magical threshold. You've spent so much time with her that you already possessed a pretty good amount of magical resistance. And the fact she marked you just made you even more durable."


"The back of your hand boy."

I glanced, the purple heart appearing before my very eyes.

"That mark is a very special and incredible rare thing Marco" Roland told me softly "During Mewberty, Star was no longer a physical being but rather one of pure magic. That is why no one is to go near her during the time she is enthralled in Mewberty. She reacts by pure instinct. When you snuck in to see her, yes we all know that story" I flushed bright red as he flashed me a grin "Star saw you. She cared for you so much she was driven to protect you in any way she could. So...she gave the only thing a being of pure magic could give to a physical being...a part of herself."

I stared at the heart, gently touching it with my hand

"You mean this mark..."

"Is a part of Star forever linking and bonding the two of you forever. She gave you a magic mark. Like her hearts or her mother's diamonds, a magic mark is a magical beings source of power. It is a catalyst to their magic. It allows a greater control over any magical item and also helps keep their magic focus so they don't burn themselves out. It also allows them to perform the most powerful of spells. For you Marco, it protects you from all sources of magic, especially evil and allows you to wield the sword at all without harming yourself. That is why the darkness took so long to affect you. No magic can stop the darkness but Star's protected you from most of the truly horrible side effects. Without that mark, you would've died long before the doctors were able to remove it from you."

"Star..." I whispered softly

"Due to your safe exposure to magic, you will get your own magic mark one day but for now Star's will have to do."

Roland stood up, walking over to me

"Go get ready Marco."

I looked at him completely and utterly confused

"Go pack up" he told me simply "We were invited to a very special event in 2 days time and unfortunately since I sent you to Mewni with those special pair of scissors, they broke and we will have to walk to a nearby naturally occurring portal to get to Mewni on time.

"Wait, I don't have to wait 6 months? I'm going to see Star in..." I shouted, unable to contain my excitement or joy

Roland shook his head cheerfully "2 days. Go get ready. We have to leave soon if you wish to make the party on time."

So here I am, packing, ready to head to Mewni.

Thank you so much for everything. I understand now. I get it

Hold on Star, I'm coming back.

Dear inanimate object

I feel very happy...I feel content.

I feel...eager...


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