Chapter 8: Missed it by that much

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Normal = Star

Bold = Marco


Dear Journal

Inanimate object!

It was...but...I...not...ugh!

Let me start from the beginning

My sensei had sent me on an errand. This was completely out of nowhere. I mean most of the time I'm training and the small down time I usually have I spend wandering the forests, just...exploring...not at all remembering others times...that I...explored other places...or dimensions...

Anyway, this morning, when I woke up my sensei was waiting for me outside my room. He had asked me for a favor. Well I say ask but in reality as his student, I actually had no choice in the matter. He told me he had a special package that needed collecting and since I would be heading into town, to pick up some groceries while I was there, something for a nice soup.

I was beyond confused. You have to understand journal, I have been here for nearly two years. Never in that amount of time have I ever left...wherever here is. There was no nearby towns, villages or anything that would have a population. Sensei grew his own food and medicine. And now I was told to go into town and pick up some things? Yeah let's see how well you take it after so long in isolation.

He handed me a pair for dimensional scissors. For the fleeting moment I was tempted to go to Mewni and you know, see how the kingdom was doing...maybe get some of that Mewni red berry fruit I love so much...drop in to see Star... You know, stuff like that. But then he had informed me that it was a two way pair of scissors so could only go to wherever he was sending me and straight back here. "No wild teenage shenanigans" he told me

I silently nodded in agreement, trying not let my disappointment show. It would've been a stupid idea to go to Mewni anyway. And I honestly didn't think I was ready to go back yet.

So sensei handed me a slip for an oddly familiar shop name, a list of some food and spices he wanted (all sounding just as familiar as the shop but I hadn't placed it yet.) gave me directions on how to get to the store where the package was waiting and sent me on my way.

It was surreal to be using a pair of scissors again. I had forgotten how warm and cold the portal felt whenever you crossed through. Brought back a lot of memories.

As I stepped out of the portal, I held the list close to my face, trying to read my teacher's tiny and frankly extremely difficult writing. Seriously why did he have to write like that? I mean I've seen other notes he's written, big, wide and completely legible! But whenever he writes something for me? As tiny as possible and bunched up together.

I walked straight ahead, my sensei telling me the store was right in front of the portal exit for these scissors. The sounds of life echoed all around me. Vendors shouting if I wanted pickled giant's toes, someone trying to sell me bone wind chimes, and overall the sounds of people.

It felt nice after all this time.

I remember thanking someone who held open the door and walking as close to the counter as I could without crashing into it.

As I was reading the last item on the list when someone had called out "How can I...Oh, good morning Prince Diaz"

I dropped the list from my hands, eyes wide in shock. Someone had called my name and even knew my title!

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