Chapter One: The Elk

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You took a deep breath with your bow aimed at the elk. A branch snapped behind you and caused your arrow to miss. Spooking the elk, she ran away.

you turn around to be greeted by Bilbo

"Bilbo, you made me miss her!"

"I'm sorry but I need you back home. now."

"what? whats wrong?" you say as you follow Bilbo out of the woods

"can we hurry, i'd like to get out of these treacherous woods as soon as possible. I wouldnt have come out here if it wasnt urgent"

you both make it back to the house. Hearing chatter from inside

"Bilbo? We have guests? we never have company?"

"Just come inside, all will be explained" you nod and follow bilbo inside

the chatter stops and everyone looks at you

"Dwarves?" you say in utter shock

you look around the room seeing twelve stocky dwarves. your gaze finally goes to Gandalf

"Gandalf!" you rush in and hug him

"Hello little one, nice to finally see you again after all these years" last time you saw him you were ten, now being nineteen

though being nineteen, Bilbo is still very overprotective of you. He finally let you hunt only two months ago.

"whats Dwarves doing here?"  you asks, still confused by the lot

"have something against dwarves, do we?" the fiery haired one asks

"No, my father was a Dwarf. The one who abandoned me. But if it werent for that then i wouldnt have met Bilbo" I say as i side hug Bilbo from the side

"ah, sorry lassie. Bombur, at your service" he says as he bows.

"(Y/n), at yours" you say as you also bow. "for being a dwarf, you have some pretty exquisite manners" you say with a giggle

"You're part dwarf too, seems as if you forget that" a new un-introduced

you snapped your head towards the dwarf, blonde hair, in a half bun, a braid on each side and striking blue eyes

"the name's Fili, nice to meet you" he says with a bow

They all line up and begin to introduce themselves

"Oin, atcha service"









you look around the room and smile at them all, noticing one unnamed Dwarf. He has the same hairstyle as Fili minus the braids and his hair is a deep brown. His eyes, dark. Like puppy eyes

you walk up to him and reach out your hand for a shake

"(y/n), nice to meet you" you say with a smile

"Kili, nice to meet you too" he replies with a childish grin as he shakes your hand


You follow the Dwarves as they head to the pantry "What are you guys doing?"

"Dinner, lassie" replies Bombur

they fill the table with all sorts of food, some you didnt even know you had.

"guys, no! thats my good cheese- wait no not the ale! I've been saving it- careful with my plates!" 

you laugh at Bilbo's up-tightness, hes always been a tad OCD but with the Dwarves being here its even worse


the table is set and everyone is shouting conversation, laughing with each other. Stuffing faces with food and spilling ale in the process

you smile, feeling like these are your people. I mean, you are half dwarf but you feel like these people are your home. Like you belong

"whats got you all chipper?" Kili whispers to you

"oh, nothing. just really enjoy you guys"

"well, get used to us. you may be coming with us on a very long adventure" he says with a smile

Fili then punches is shoulder "shush, we havent addressed that yet


"you'll find out soon enough." Kili says then gets out of his chair and walks away


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