Chapter Two: The Journey Begins

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Three loud knocks were heard on the door.

"he's here" Gandalf says

Everyone quiets down

I turn to Kili "who's here?" I whisper

"Thorin, my uncle. The king of Erebor" he whispers back

Thorin steps inside, he's quite aesthetically pleasing

He walks to the table and sits down at the end

He pulls out a map, and unrolls it onto the table

Thorin starts to speak, talking about the journey but I zone out. I only hear bits and pieces

"The mountain"

"Smaug the terrible"

"Our burglar"

"(Y/n)!" Thorin's booming voice shouts

My head shoots up in his direction

"Yes sir?"

"Have you been listening at all!"

"I'm sorry sir, no. I didn't know I was relevant in this conversation"

"Did nobody inform her of her part in this quest!" Thorin shouts with disappointment

Nobody replies

"Do either of them know their part in this!?" He says

"Uh-sir. Mr.Oakensheild, I'm not in this, am I?" Bilbo questions

"Yes Baggins, in fact you are. You will be our burglar."

"Burglar? Oh no no, no. I've never done anything in my life, let alone steal something!"

I once again zone out

"(Y/n), I'll fill you in later. Its evident you aren't paying attention one bit" Kili whispers to you in a joking manner


"We need you both to sign this contract" Thorin says as he pulls it out

I walk over and sign it

"Are you not going to read it?" Bifur questions

"Nope, no need. I trust you guys."

"I refuse to sign that" Bilbo says as he leaves the room

"Very well, we leave in the morning" Thorin then goes to lay down


Everyone saddles up their ponies for the ride. Beautiful horses, utterly gorgeous. they're sweet too

"(Y/n), you get Gilana. His name was a mistake, when he was born we thought he was a female so we named him Gilana. But Gimli finally realized he was a guy, poor horse." Ori explains

"Which one is Gilana?"

"Him" he says as he points at the horse

"Him" he says as he points at the horse

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"Oh wow, he's beautiful" you say in awe

"I know right, if he's too big for you. We can switch horses. Hes not exactly a good horse for Dwarves but I figured since you're a half-breed, you'd be tall enough for him"

"No no, he's fine. I'll make it work"

"Atta girl"

Everyone is on the way down the road, except Bilbo. He didn't sign the contract. But we'll make do

"what's on your mind?" Fili asks as his horse rides by yours

"Just wish Bilbo was here. But I guess its safer back home"

Just as you say that you heat Bilbo shouting and running down the road with the contract in hand

"Wait for me! I'm coming!"

Everyone halts and waits for him to catch up

Kili then lifts Bilbo and sets him on the extra pony

Everyone is tossing money bags around

"What are they doing?" Bilbo asks Gandalf

"They made a bet on whether you would show or not"

"And what did you bet?"

A bag of money is then tossed to Gandalf answering Bilbo's question

We're now off to Erebor

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2018 ⏰

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