Chapter 3: Crystal Gardens

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When the welcoming ceremony for the soldiers had ended, Prince Samuel had decided that he wanted to see more of the Kingdom and had hoped to stay a little longer. WIth delight. Queen Lucia ordered Mrs. Coldwell to show Prince Samuel to a spare room immediately, her crown almost falling off her head in excitement. Princess Lorien however, felt otherwise. She had a feeling that Samuel wanted to see more than just the kingdom, and this thought didn't appeal to her.

When Mrs. Coldwell and Prince Samuel left the room, Princess Lorien was about to step out of the room after them before her mother called her. “Lorien, could I have a word with you first please my dear?” Queen Lucia said kindly. Lorien turned around, frustrated.

She approached her mother reluctantly. “Yes?” Lorien asked, trying to hide her disinterest. Thankfully, Lucia didn’t notice and looked at her daughter with a bright smile. The Queen stood and lovingly placed a hand on her daughter's cheek. “Look at you my dear, 18 and more beautiful than ever. You're growing into such a wonderful woman. I think you are ready to be married, don’t you?” Lorien scowled when her mother said this and Lucia retreated slightly with a light laugh. “Alright, so maybe not marriage yet. I don’t want to rush you my dear. But I do have to ask, what do you think about Samuel? He’s a nice boy isn’t he?” Lucia asked, hopeful. Lorien put on her best fake smile but Lucia could see right through her.

The Queen rolled her eyes in defeat. “Alright, what’s wrong with this one now Lorien?” Lucia asked in frustration.

Lorien threw her hands up and turned away from her mother, partly out of guilt. “Mother, I understand you only want what's best for me and really, there’s nothing wrong with him. It’s just that I'm not sure whether I'm ready for this. Also, I can’t really make a judgement yet can I? I barely know him." This was the same conversation she and her mother had about every prince or noble that came through their doors and to both of them, it was started to become a frustrating recurrence.

Lucia just sighed. “I guess that is a fair statement now isn’t it? Well, I guess you’re right my dear. I’ll see you at dinner then,” Lucia concluded and Lorien was out of the room in a matter of milliseconds. Lucia stared after her daughter, irritation swelling inside her.

As soon as Lorien was safe in the confines of her room, she opened up to the palm of her hand and found Lucas' note still sitting there in the form of a small, crumpled white ball. She hurriedly straightened it out and the read the slightly messy scrawl.

I’ve missed you. Meet me in our garden after dinner, if you can. Forever yours, Lucas.

Lorien smiled and all of a sudden her face was plastered like that. She lay on her bed and closed her eyes, slowly drifting into a light nap when she got distracted by the sweet voice of her attendant.

“Soldier boy talk to you then?” Lorien opened her eyes to find Mrs. Coldwell standing in the open doorway, looking concerned. The lady tutted and walked over to her mistress, closing the door behind her. “Really your Highness, you shouldn’t be sneaking behind your mother’s back like that. She’ll find out one day,” Mrs. Coldwell said sternly.

“I know I really shouldn’t but who can help it when they’re in love?” Lorien said, sighing. Mrs. Coldwell raised an eyebrow at the princess and laughed.

“18 or not, you will always be a little girl to me Lorien,” Mrs. Coldwell said chuckling. Lorien sat up and giggled back.


At dinner, the princess could hardly breathe while she was wolfing down a large plate of beef and premium quality gravy. She could feel the burning eyes of her mother staring at her while Prince Samuel, who was seated across, stared at her wide-eyed, occasionally looking down to stop himself from laughing.

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